“2 years in just 4 months” Part 2

To review from yesterday, most existence doesn’t grow.  Life does.  And humans grow at least twice and never stop.  That’s what I call the Realm of Purpose.

What does this second growth look like?  It’s different for everyone.  While we share the human condition, we all have unique perspectives and positions within it, and these reveal our specific work.  That’s what I help you to identify and clarify.

So, what is it like to do that?  Good question.  And it’s part of MY growth journey to explain the process and benefits with greater and greater precision.

But sometimes someone else says it in a way that speaks with greater volume than I ever could.

Recently I was coaching a client who has been working with me since November.  We were noting that November feels like YEARS ago, for both of us.  In many ways it feels like we have been on our respective growth paths together.  And it’s been stimulating.

I said “How has our ongoing conversation helped you?”

He thought about it and responded “I feel like I’ve grown 2 years in just 4 months.”

And he’s right.  He feels like a completely different person.  Clear.  Strategic.  Laser-Focused.  Disciplined.  Confident.  Self-Assured.

Also…Grateful.  Content.  Peaceful.  Secure.  Enthused.  Energized.  Healthy.  Reverent.  Integrated.  Visionary.  Intrepid.

A soul in alignment.  Beautiful to see.  Nothing better.  And nothing off-limits in that state - anything is possible.

But it’s only achieved under certain, very specific conditions.  These conditions must be intentionally pursued and engineered.  And the process is not for the faint of heart.  It demands radical honesty about you and the human condition itself.

It only happens when you get exceptionally clear about what you want, and, most importantly, on what you’re avoiding.  I don’t know why, but it’s true. And we’re all avoiding something…😏

Here’s some metaphysical premises to tie this series together:

  1. Most of existence doesn’t grow.

  2. A little bit does.  We call this part “life”.

  3. Most life grows in only one way.

  4. Humans grow that way, and then in others.

  5. Mental, physical, and spiritual health are optimized by growing in the ways that are right for us.

  6. We often avoid looking directly at the very aspects of our lives that reveal our unique, personalized paths to growth.

  7. Human flourishing is doing 6️⃣ for ourselves and facilitating it for others.

  8. This is never done, which leads unavoidably to contradictions and paradoxes.  Avoiding THIS truth leads to a sense of absurdity.

We’ll pick up with that absurdity bit later.  It’s a perpetual theme in my work.  You can listen to a podcast about it here.

So, how about you?  Are you ready to grow 2 years in just 4 months like that client has?  Are you ready to find peace, optimism, energy, and integration all across your life?  Are you ready to have vision and clarity like NEVER before?

You can.  But only if you’re ready to look clearly and honestly at what’s happening in your life, and face what you’ve been avoiding.  Because apparently that’s how God challenges us to grow.  That’s what the myths say, anyway.

Don’t believe in God?  No worries.  I’ll let you puzzle through the strange miracle of human life in the way that best suits you.

Let’s help you grow.


A sense of absurdity


“2 years in just 4 months” Part 1