I help visionary entrepreneurs, executives, and creatives…

…develop inner peace

…get clear on their purpose

…work through their fear

…and become empowered leaders

…so that they can…

…grow their business

…maximize their teams

…and scale their visions to the next level

If I know one thing, it’s this: leadership is the most important resource in the world.

It’s also one of the scarcest.  Many who claim to be leaders are anything but.

Fortunately, it’s also renewable!

And a great leader makes everything better.  Their vision and purpose transfuses into every facet of any organization they lead.

This simply can’t happen too often.  The world needs as much of it as is humanly possible.

I help this happen.  I help people become leaders.  And I help leaders grow to become even more assured, confident and effective.  This has to be done in a very specific way.  Leaders need to be shown how to tap into and amplify the good in everything around them, and most importantly within themselves.

“As a coach Aaron brings a very special kind of conversation that I haven’t been able to find from anyone else. It assumes entrepreneurial and leadership success where goals are attainable, but draws in a deep contemplation about the meaning of the human condition and demands for us to see clearly why we seek success and freedom in the first place. It’s like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.”

Here are some things I’ve noticed:

  1. Leadership is lonely.  Very few people understand what it’s really like, what it really takes, and what it really demands.

  2. Leaders are often insecure.  Many people find themselves in positions of leadership without necessarily intending to be.  And leadership is the only job no one can show you how to do.  There are no instructions, because every leader creates something new.  It is human nature to constantly doubt and second-guess one's convictions.

  3. Leaders need a space to be vulnerable.  Leaders are human.  They aren’t omniscient or omnipotent.  They are flawed.  They fail.  They doubt.  And that’s to be expected.  No one should ever have to feel like they can’t be that way.  But it is incredibly important for leaders to have a space to let that out and express their humanity.  Otherwise it eats them away from the inside and weakens them.

  4. Leaders must continually refresh their purpose.  If they are able to do this, they will show up as strong and confident, do what needs to be done, and elevate everyone they are leading in the process.  It’s a beautiful thing.  All leaders need it.

  5. Leaders are easily pulled into their organization’s day-to-day struggles and frustrations. This can significantly impair their vision and missional drive.  It is ESSENTIAL that they be refreshed and reminded of their value and sanity in a space of refuge with other like-minded visionaries who see, think, and act on a higher level.  Doing so periodically will raise the performance of the organization and create less frustrations as others begin to step up and lead based on your example.

  6. Leaders must sometimes find resources that seem superhuman to do what they didn’t think was possible.  Leaders need to be driven by the vision of a future that doesn’t yet exist, and often takes sheer will to execute. The only way to do this successfully is to start and execute before you feel ready. Every leader shares this. It’s one of the qualities that turns ordinary people into great leaders. And leaders need to be supported in this process.

I honor and affirm the often lonely and insecure, but essential path of leadership.  I provide space for leaders to be vulnerable and help them reconnect with their purpose.  I remind them that they have a special place in the human race and that their goals and visions are good.  This allows them to go back to their organizations and make strong decisions to elevate and grow their teams.  Once that starts happening, there isn’t much that will hold them back.

Every single conversation I have with leaders helps them to see, think, and act on a higher level.  That’s where we are going.  Everything worthwhile exists only because a creative leader somewhere saw, thought, and acted on a higher level.  Are you ready to do the same?