A bittersweet day

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. I said goodbye to a client. We both knew it was time to end the engagement. As the saying goes, “all good things…” The feeling was mutual, and it was a good one 🤗 Sometimes you just know it’s time to let the bird out of the nest so it can get used to flying with its own wings 🕊

When I walked into the office for our final meeting I saw evidence of growth and positive transformation EVERYWHERE I looked 👀, all of it the result of my work with them. It was beautiful 🥰

Here are just a few:

🙌 They were meeting with a prospective agent when I got there. Building the team had been a challenge for them, but I heard him express eagerness to get started and was filling out the paperwork by the time I left.

🙌 The spiffy new binder of SOPs elevated the sophistication and credibility of the organization to everyone on the team.

🙌 Their recent growth motivated redesigning the office, including the creation of a new conference room to protect confidential consultations.

🙌 This season alone they had onboarded 200 great new clients in just one of their flagship services.

🙌 They now have a website that successfully generates leads and they keep track of their crucial analytics.

🙌 They have an authentic social media presence and voice that they can create themselves.

🙌 They feel empowered to make confident business decisions in alignment with their values, and experience the freedom to be community leaders while giving to their favorite service organizations.

🙌 Best of all, a spirit of camaraderie, optimism, vitality, and fulfillment has infused their considerably-improved company culture. For me, that’s without a doubt the best part, and everything else comes from that. The partner-owners are grateful for their respective gifts and strengths.

As we closed the engagement the owner/CEO was glowing, his eyes full of pride and gratitude. He told me we’ll always be friends and would love to stay in touch. I told him absolutely we would, because for me coaching and consulting often becomes very personal. I love working with real people. They have real, worthwhile dreams and often just need the courage, clarity, and confidence to pursue them and make their organizations better in every way.

That’s really my work - finding the goodness in leaders and drawing that out so it infuses every aspect of their organization. Everyone has goodness, everyone’s goodness looks different, and elevating and amplifying goodness ALWAYS returns on investment. ALWAYS.

Even though I technically lost a client, I would gladly lose hundreds if the engagements ended in this manner! And that’s what I’m working to do.

You could be next. If you are dissatisfied with your organization it simply means you have not yet found the goodness within and are not channeling it effectively. I am convinced there is nothing worthwhile in life besides working toward that end. Feel free to get in touch and start talking about how it happens for you.


Fighting AGAINST your brain?


Be careful what you wish for…