Aaron J. Marx is…(Part 2)

Hi!  One of my biggest challenges is communicating about my work and helping people like you to understand how it is relevant.  I've identified 8 facets.  Here's the second.  Enjoy!

Human beings are strange and unusual, although I probably don’t need to tell you that. Consider ants and bees. These are social species with different roles. Queens, workers, soldiers, sexual males, all living and ACTing together in pursuit of…what? Ant or bee being-ness? Toward what end or goal are they driven?

Oh, and I’m no entomologist, so take this for what it’s worth. Oh, and look! There’s an area of human specialization, entomology. We humans have SO very many kinds and classifications together in our pursuit of…what? Human being-ness? What is that exactly? Toward what are we driven that inspires such a diverse constellation of professional specialties?

Ultimately, I don’t know what it is that we seek. All I know is that it is meaningful to us to do so socially and communally. And so we rise anew each day and return to our work, each and every one of us. And think of all the ways we do this work. Think of how many professions, disciplines, fields, specialties, and industries exist in pursuit of human be-ing. Thousands. And some that no longer exist. And some that don’t exist yet.

And what is it that we seek? As I said, I don’t quite know. But I think it’s related to a sense of wholeness and improved feeling. In a way the whole human pursuit is a journey from inferior to superior feelings. It is the feelings that show us our progress, and the cruel condition of our existence is that we’ll never arrive at that feeling of true ontological wholeness. But we are driven to work, create, explore, learn, and love.

So, all of these disciplines, then, pursue the same end. And I see this. I see how each of us approaches our work in pursuit of a collective IDEAL, a vision of wholeness that we see beyond the horizon. Therefore, just as it doesn’t matter whether an ant is a queen or a worker to know that they all strive in support of the colony, it doesn’t matter what profession you practice, because it is all in support of human flourishing.

And if you are struggling to communicate the import of what you do or to run your organization effectively, on whatever scale it is, I will help you connect to the deep feeling that grounds it, and find the communication to convey the passion that birthed it.

All human disciplines, then, are the same, and the silos we put around them are artificial. This, then, is the polymathic sensibility, or at least mine. Because we are all unified by our collective and universal human discomforts and longings, and each discipline and industry MUST be an expression of this. I consistently find that insights such as these cause major shifts in thinking and perspective, and blow leadership and communication wide open into vastly more effective realms of impact and effectiveness. This is what I can do for you.

Inquire about working with me here.

Thanks for joining me in Part 2 of this series.  I'll see you in a bit for Part 3!


The Authenticity/Attraction Loop


Thank God for…divorce lawyers?!