Aaron J. Marx is…(Part 3)

Hi!  One of my biggest challenges is communicating about my work and helping people like you to understand how it is relevant.  I've identified 8 facets.  Here's the third.  Enjoy!

Ultimately, all is one, unified, undivided. You can see it that way if you try. But usually we don’t, because there is no action to take in that state. We need to see division, dynamics, desires. Separate subjects, questing. Driven to pursue ends. You are. I am. All others are. Because the unity was broken, and all the pieces are seeking it again. And the only way to do that is to take actions through time, which we are at every moment.

Think of yourself, all the other people you have every met, all the people you continue to meet, all the people you will never meet. We are all on a path, a trajectory, a journey driven by the desire to regain, or to at least experience, that original wholeness, and this is what all of society reflects - the search for that wholeness.

I do it in my way. You do it in yours.

It is important, crucial in fact, to remember that we are each individual outgrowths of that original, sacred unity of being, and as such we each reflect it in our own way. We all harbor a restless and sacred spirit, connected to that longing for ultimate unity, and ceaselessly pursuing that feeling.

Where do we find this feeling? Our strengths. Our growth. Our visions. Our triumphs. These are all born of our gifts and our potential, the profile of which is entirely unique from, yet categorically similar to, that of all other people. When we speak of stepping into our strengths and pursuing our visions, we must connect with our individual potential which is, I believe, connected to that longing, and the source of, that ultimate unity.

And sometimes we need help finding that potential in our being. I don’t know why. But it’s something I have a great knack for. If you talk to me I will instinctively probe for your greatest gifts, strengths, longings, visions, and joys. I guarantee it. I really don’t have any other mode of being myself.

So, you should only talk to me if you want your life to change, if you want me to look into the essence of your soul and spirit and locate the gifts, strengths, and visions that are attached to that quest for the feeling of ultimate being, where all is unified, where all is at peace.

Grab a time with me and we’ll have that conversation. But be careful, because you should only do it if you are ready for your life to shift in a dramatic way…


Shorting the American economy/Defining “improvement”


My new favorite joke…🥕⛄