Aaron J. Marx is…(Part 5)

Hi!  One of my biggest challenges is communicating about my work and helping people like you to understand how it is relevant.  I've identified 8 facets.  Here's the fourth.  Enjoy!

Will you join me in a quick awareness exercise?

Center in yourself. Feel your body. Notice the dimensions of your limbs, the feeling of your skin as it meets the outside world.

You exist embodied, at a point in space, and you will for the rest of your life. The rest of existence is rubbing against you, uncomfortably, and time is going by. Your insides are meeting existence as well - your insides touch the outside too. In your lungs. In your donut hole of a digestive system. Metabolism is happening and your body will not let you forget it, hence your ongoing need for caloric intake, oxygenation, elimination of various waste products (which include all the typical states of matter 😏), and physical exhaustion requiring a safe place to enter unconsciousness.

You also exist socially, encountering the communication, influence, and presence of countless fellow beings, past and present, as you go about your way. You make demands of them, and they make demands of you. Similarly uncomfortable.

Demands of nature. Demands of society. Both part of what I term “Existential Friction”, which is simply what it is to exist embodied and social facing the ravages of time, that fire in which we burn.

We can’t sit still. Can’t stop the world. Choices are not optional in our condition - we must make them in each and every moment. What choice(s) are you making right now? I know one…you are reading this. That means it must align somehow with your desires.

Ah. Here we are. Desires. What you want. Aspirations. You have them, don’t you? You know who else has them? Everyone. Like choices, they are not optional. Given the framework of space and time in which we find our physical and social embodiment, which continues to press upon us, we find aspirations in every moment, unavoidably.

So, what are your aspirations? Since action is unavoidable, it necessarily follows that we move away from certain things and toward others. What, then are you moving towards? Is it what you want? Do you want other things that you not moving toward? How would you change the alignment of those motivations to get closer to what you want and further from what you don’t?

These are questions, the answers to which I help individuals and organizations discern, in a most transformative way, a way that brings clarity, inspiration, and peace.

Aspirations are beautiful because they reveal a universal human longing, which is the desire to realize a state of the highest possible value. This is what we are doing at every moment, individual, organizationally, societally, collectively, in all times and all places. It is the one common link between all human motivations and behaviors. Talk to me and I’ll help you see that more clearly.

Would you like that? Let me know, and we’ll revel in a new awareness and refined calibration of motivations. It’s a beautiful thing 😌🤩


“End everything”?!


Overthinking…or underthinking?