Are you at peace? If not, why? An invitation…

When I first talk to people about their goals, dreams, visions, hopes, and ideals, I notice they tend to approach me in a certain state.

It is a state of uncertainty, agitation, confusion, anxiety, and stress.  Everyone feels like this when I meet them for a first conversation.

It’s understandable.

The human condition induces this.  Ambition amplifies it.

We can either stay small and surrender to the baseline of background doubt and anxiety that tells us we might as well get used to this because it’s all we will ever know.

Or, we can remember there’s more opportunity than ever, step out, face our anxiety head-on, and go about leveling up our life.

Staying small is despair.  Stepping out is fear.

Your choice.

But, there’s a third way…  Peace.

I will give you RESPITE FROM DESPAIR and help you dream of POSSIBILITY WITHOUT FEAR.  And that results in PEACE.

That’s what I do.  It’s my superpower.  I give people the gifts of PEACE, CLARITY, and OPTIMISM, every single time they have an honest conversation with me.  If you are truly willing to be open and vulnerable, this is the result I can offer to you.

It’s really just refuge from the human condition, for a brief moment.  And that refuge is a place to heal from past traumas, release obsolete expectations, and prepare to tackle future fears.

Between the past and the future is where you will find all the peace and clarity, and I will help you find that present moment, where everything is truly possible.

How is this done?  The human condition is all tied up in absurd knots from millennia of fighting the elements and each other.  And we carry all that long history with us, in every cell of our being.  It baffles us and holds us back from the things we want.  Paradoxically our spirits still demand success, even though most of us have all we need, even more in fact, thanks to the endless sacrifices of our ancestors.  They lived, suffered, and struggled because they saw a better life for us, their descendants.  We still need to achieve and accomplish, win favor among the tribe, and this is how we honor them.

Don’t ask me why.  I just see this clearly for what it is, help you deconstruct it, reconcile the unwinnable social web we must all navigate, get peaceful and optimistic, and see the strategy for your next steps.  That is what I do.

And if you’d like a taste of that, to make peace with your past traumas, to find peace and optimism in the present moment, and develop your clear winning strategy to find favor in the future, I invite you to talk to me:


That moment of CLARITY


Are you ASHAMED of your daydreams?!