Awesome lessons from one of my fave peeps!

This is Arthur, one of my favorite people. He was really happy when I took this picture and here's why...

We made a run to our favorite local dairy to buy 🥛. They also have great 🍦, including this flavor, which you can only get there.

I would have bought it for him, but he really wanted to use his own 💵.

He brought a $5 bill. The ice cream cost $4, so he got $1 back.

There was a tip 🫙 and I told him he could leave his change as gratuity for great service. The kind lady who served him said "Oh, keep your money!"

I looked at Arthur and asked "What do YOU want to do?" He thought a moment, his eyes sparkled, and he put the change in the tip jar.

In the car I had him pose for this picture and asked him he felt. He said, "POWERFUL" and "FREE". He also said he was okay with me sharing this with you.

True, his pocketbook was lighter by a dollar (not insignificant to his total net worth), but he emerged from that transaction rich in spirit, vision, optimism, and gratitude.

Money is mysterious, magical, metaphysical stuff, and I don't think anyone REALLY understands it. Fortunately we don't need to. Just remember it's an expression of the human spirit in many important ways, and if you circulate it intentionally 🔄, everything grows 🌱, including YOU, and most importantly your spirit.

Awesome lessons from one of my fave peeps, and a great example of an abundant mindset.


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