Do you see your IDEAL self?

These days I’m constantly reflecting on the service that I provide for my clients, and I just thought of another one.  It’s a really important one!  Wanna know what it is?  Awesome 😎 Because there’s nothing that I want more in this moment than to tell you ‘bout it.

First, we need to review some philosophy you may have heard about in a college seminar or on YouTube. I promise it’s relevant to your personal and professional growth. Nothing is more relevant. And actually I’ve found that my ideal clients LOVE it when I talk philosophy. So here’s a bit. A foundational bit.

I’m really excited this morning because today is my monthly coffee with a mentor of mine. It’s a philosophy professor and we have awesome, energizing talks. I recently learned that both of us are influenced by Plato.

Plato wrote reams, inspired even more reams. Today there are reams of digital video. I’m going to sum it up for LinkedIn, in 3000 characters or less 😄 (Failed, BTW! I need to do some editing before putting it there 🤪)

Plato discerned that we all share this sense of ideals. We all know a cup when we see it because we’re subconsciously comparing it to the ideal form of a cup held somewhere in our collective memory. Somewhere, in a disembodied realm, Plato thought, resides the form of the perfect, IDEAL cup.  That last part loses a lot of people, but don’t get hung up on it. The fact is that to improve, grow, make progress of any kind, we must all be Platonists, because we’re going around seeing the ideal versions of things and working to make them real.

That’s what you do all day, every day, isn’t it? It’s what I do. Imperfectly. But I do.

And I do it for LEADERS. Leaders like you. When I talk to leadership clients I quickly discern the IDEAL form of that person based on their best traits. And then everything I say and advise is based on moving them closer to that IDEAL form. Everything.

I see your IDEAL form.

Now, that’s a big part of it. But the service is this.

I BELIEVE that ideal form is real, and that I’m talking to it. I BELIEVE that my clients are capable of acting from their ideal selves and that they will proceed to do so after they talk to me. I BELIEVE they are out in the world doing it now, even when I’m not talking to them.

The service I provide is to BELIEVE in and speak to your ideal manifestation.

In the realm of the IDEAL all good things are possible. And so our IDEAL selves will continue the work to realize them. Now, there’s a paradox here that I won’t dwell on at the moment, which is that to attain our ideal entrepreneurial selves, the world can’t ever reach ITS ideal form, because entrepreneurs need problems to solve and service to provide.  It’s actually quite vexing, and this is the root of much unsolvable social unrest.

But, if we move past that, you have within you (or in Plato’s realm) the IDEAL form of yourself as an entrepreneurial leader. I believe unconditionally in that form and I speak directly to it. And that’s why conversations with me are so transformative.

Do you believe in and take actions from your IDEAL self? Try it today and see what happens.

Need help discerning your IDEAL self?  Let’s talk.


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