FREE Pizza Part 3 - The pattern of successful leadership πŸ•πŸ€”πŸ‘†πŸ’‘

FREE Pizza Part 3 - The pattern of successful leadership πŸ•πŸ€”πŸ‘†πŸ’‘

Welcome to the exciting conclusion of FREE Pizza!, wherein I offer conclusions and lessons about the process of leadership and communication we are all called to at times.  The pattern is always the same.

Was it hard?  Perhaps not.  We all know that free pizza at the end of an exhausting athletic event is not exactly a tough sell.  But it still took commitment and follow through to execute.  It also took patience.  You might have been surprised by how long it took many of the kids to become comfortable enough to approach me and see if the offer was legit.  There was a very real and very necessary process of building trust in order to make it happen.  That will be true for you as well.  Start communicating intentionally and I guarantee that will follow, even if it takes a little time.  Once trust is built, everything else will happen effortlessly and organically.

Ultimately I notice there was an energy to this episode that is still nourishing.  It made the world better in a small way, and that particular culture drew inspiration from the success.  Throwing away the food would have been much more disappointing, and wouldn’t have forced me to be uncomfortable, or the people who accepted the call.

Every act of leadership and creation you successfully execute follows the same pattern.  And I know that you are doing very challenging things, so you need to find those reserves of energy, belief, commitment, and resourcefulness from a deep, purposeful place to see you through and move on to your next challenge.  And I believe that you will.

Pay attention.  Admire the acts of leadership you see, and celebrate those that succeed.  It’s what we’re here to do.

BTW, the concept of raising one’s voice fascinates me - the persuasion of creation and leadership starts with increasing your personal and/or brand salience to get the attention of others.  Here’s an article I once wrote about that inspired by religious history:




FREE Pizza Part 2 - A SMASHING success story πŸ•πŸ™Œ