Giving Thanks, Part 1 of 3

Greetings, dear audience!  This series is comprehensive, and it comes from my ❤️  As such, it will be released in 3 parts over the course of the holiday weekend.

As we approach Thanksgiving I wanted to write something of a personal note about the state of my mind and practice.  It felt right to do so today, because the fact is I am thankful for so very much in my life at this time, not the least of which is the opportunity to slow down and reflect a bit.  Thought leadership is more demanding than it likely looks 😄

A couple days ago I tried to find the focus and clarity to write, but it was elusive.  One of MY current mentors says “When you feel like you want to quit, try taking a rest instead”.  So, that’s what I did.  I gave myself the grace and space NOT to write, and just let it be.  It was marvelously therapeutic.  So, if that’s you from time to time, I encourage you to do the same.

Sure enough, as I sit down to write again, my intuition is bubbling and popping, giving me much to share.

As far as I can tell there are 4 types of people reading this.  I’m going to write briefly and directly to each of you:

  1. Those who have become coaching clients - Thank you.  You see fit to retain me, draw nourishment and inspiration from my worldview, and patronize the ongoing fine-tuning of my perspective.  Conversations with you are my greatest joy and I always leave refreshed from the space we create that helps you continue to find the strength to bring your gifts and vision to a world in need.

  2. Those who have had discovery calls - Thank you.  Each of them has been remarkably fulfilling - the opportunity to absorb the struggles and ambitions from every part of your life and quickly reframe them into an actionable strategy that improves the whole system.  What a delight.  I know some of you will eventually join my practice to much rejoicing.  Even if you don’t, I am glad I could create a restful space of clarity and vision, even for just a little while.

  3. Those who are considering a conversation with me - Thank you.  I respect your care and discernment.  Time is a limited resource and you can’t afford to waste it.  I am grateful for the audience you grant me and for the opportunity to move closer to a conversation.  This keeps my mind and spirit alert as I watch my thoughts and intentions closely for relevant themes to capture and offer to you.  I know we will talk when the time is right.

  4. Those who mentor and befriend me - Thank you.  You deepen my perspective and bring new light to my gifts as they unfold.  You also give me the strength and resilience to navigate the challenges that will continue to find me, just as they find all of us.  It is meaningful to me that you are interested in and inspired by my journey.

2022 is winding down.  Thanksgiving always signals our collective entry into a different kind of time - one of festivity, reflection, and preparation.  A time to take stock of our blessings, reconcile outstanding accounts, and refresh as we prepare to step into the ambitions of the next year.

Tomorrow, in part 2, we will explore the 3 intersecting realms that make my coaching so unique and helpful.  See you then!

Want to set up a time to talk?  Click here.


Giving Thanks, Part 2 of 3 - Three Circles


All I Can Offer to You (The Power of Mentorship)