Great feedback/order from chaos

Today someone told me what he thinks I do. And it was well-said! Sometimes (often) others are better at seeing and articulating what’s going on with us. After all, that’s what I do for people like you 😄

I met this gentleman today at a networking event. He and I have been developing trust and building a relationship for a few months, and today I finally met his wife for the first time. She asked what I do. He quickly interjected and said “Let me see if I can explain it!” I said, “Sure, I’d love to hear your impression.”

He thought for a few moments and said “Aaron steps into chaos and brings order. He takes in everything and boils it down to steps that are effortless and clear.”

I said “That’s a FANTASTIC way to say it!” and I thanked him for his care and patient observation. I was honored to be seen and heard so clearly and completely. He’s not an official client yet, although he very well could be soon, and in spite of that he could see the essence of what I do.

We all leave clues all the time. We have a brand whether we know it or not, and often the branding we AREN’T aware of leaves the strongest impression. It doesn’t matter what you say or think you say, only what you signal. People are watching and listening closely.

I think that’s what makes coaching so powerful. It’s an outside perspective, typically from a keenly refined, carefully thought through, and well-articulated understanding of human nature, that enters the picture and expresses what it sees so that you can cut through the subjective fog and get exceptionally clear on exactly what needs to be done next and exactly how it needs to be done.

And, as far as I’ve found at least, that will ALWAYS involve persuading someone to take some kind of action so that you can move your vision even just a little bit closer.

It’s wonderful to be seen. There may be nothing better. And that’s why I love the work I do - I get to see people for who they are, where they are, and what’s in the way of them getting to where they want to go. I get to build wonderful relationships, see all of this with exceptional clarity, and offer it with love and care.

So, where are you and where do you want to go? And what’s getting in the way? And whom do you need to persuade to take action next? As creative and leadership-oriented humans, these are the only questions we ever need answer, and we can’t ever stop, because that’s our growth journey, and it never ends. Need help seeing the precise shape of that? As my friend said, it’s what I’m here to do, and it’s an honor to see you for who you are.

Talk to you soon!


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