Hi, I’m Aaron!

Hi, I’m Aaron!

I was born in a suburb of Chicago, but moved to Wausau when I was 9 months old after my dad got a job at Wausau Insurance, and I spent the rest of my childhood there.  My dad stayed in insurance and risk management.  My mom, trained as a microbiologist, spent the better part of her career overseeing the water testing lab at the Marathon County Health Department.

In high school I struggled with depression, and it seemed to improve when I went to college to study music, which is still a great love of mine.  I went to UWSP to study violin, music history, and composition.  It was at UWSP that I met Heidi who is now my wife and best friend.

After graduation I got my masters degree in music composition from Bowling Green State University (BGSU).  While I grew considerably from this and learned much about the creative process, it was a difficult experience and ultimately showed me that academia was not the right place for me, even though intelligence and learning remain strong values for me.

Heidi and I returned to Stevens Point in 2006 where we’ve been ever since.  Our first project was to start Noteworthy Music Studio, which is now Central Wisconsin’s largest for profit music education program, serving 150 students each week in Stevens Point and Marshfield.  We also bought a wedding string quartet in 2014 and have made the purchase price back every year since then, with the exception of 2020 😷🦠

Around 2018 we realized we had a knack for helping other business owners and organizations with their mindset, strategy, and marketing, and started a consulting firm.  We had a blast and helped a lot of great entrepreneurs and companies level up by improving their vision and communication.

As we did this I realized that my unusual perspective gave me the ability to hold space for an especially vast, playful, and purposeful space that yields an abundance of insight, inspiration, and vision for leaders.  They told me they had never experienced anything like it, and I knew it was time for me to shift yet again into what I’m doing now, which I call Visionary Purpose Coaching and Metaphysical Leadership Mentoring.

My current clients come to me to deconstruct their entirely unique experience of the human condition, precisely discern the energetic conditions that are responsible for their current results, and step into new chapters of greater prosperity, alignment, and fulfillment.

It’s been a fascinating journey of creation and discovery, one that I could never have predicted even a decade ago, but I have no doubt I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.  I wake up every day inspired and driven to deepen current relationships, build new ones, and spread my message to a wider audience.  It’s joyful and flexible, which tells me that it’s right.  And if this is speaking to you, that’s something I can help you find too.

Grab a time to talk if you’re feeling it: https://calendly.com/aaronjmarx/30min


Competition & Loss


AI, Education, and the Essence of Being Human - Part 2