“How did I do?!” (Honor the Process)

A few days ago I talked to someone who became interested in my thinking and immediately found it helpful for his vision.  Shortly after that I heard him speak about his organization for a few minutes.

Afterward he approached me and said “Well, what do you think?  How did I do?”

I gave him my very honest answer, which is what I tell everyone who asks questions like this.  “I can’t answer that, because we didn’t start at the right place in the process.”

Then I showed him this excerpt from my central framework, which I call The Metaphysics of Leadership and Creation. We read it from top to bottom, which starts with Purpose and ends up at Action. We must first bridge the gaps between Purpose and Strategy, and then Strategy to Action. Most people miss the first gap, and start with Strategy:

I continued “You’re asking about communication, which bridges Strategy to Action, and we haven’t even talked about Purpose, which is where your vision is formed.  We need to talk about your life, your view, your specific perspective, your gifts, how that informs your vision, and what that looks like when it’s exceptionally clear.  Only after that can we start talking about Strategy.”

Can you relate?  I see so many leaders and creatives try to do it in the wrong order, and we get advice to that effect all the time.  So many people want to jump right into the Strategy, start taking Action without dwelling in their unique dissatisfaction with the very condition of being human first.

If you want to be not only successful, but to do so in a way that is truly authentic, peaceful and full of meaning so that you can optimize your limited time here, start with Purpose first.  It’s the only way.

And, as I said, it’s a common mistake.  The prevailing cultural narrative has us start with Strategy first, which either assumes that Purpose has been figured out, or it’s not relevant.  But, in my experience, nothing could be further from the truth.

For where we’re going next, it’s the ONLY place to start.  It’s a strange time to be alive, and we need to get our priorities straight, or else you are communicating without clarity or intention, and then you’re just talking.  Words forged by Purpose sound, look, feel, and land differently.

Want to create success, authenticity, peace, and meaning so that you can optimize your brief time here?  Make sure you are going through the process the right way.

I can help.


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