In gratitude

I don’t say (or write) things I don’t mean.  That’s why people trust me, and it facilitates an unusually helpful level of honesty and insight in the conversations I enjoy with my clients, colleagues, collaborators and friends (er, compadres if you wish to continue the alliteration 😄).

I’m exhausted, and producing this feels a little obligatory, but I have good reasons for doing so, and it is the right time, even if I don’t feel like it.  I’m writing it because it’s been a few more days than I like since last publishing and I’m working to stay at the top of your mind.  I’m writing it because there’s an expectation to recognize the holiday, and especially one with a theme so pertinent to the entrepreneurial and organizational success that so many of you desire.  I’m writing it because it’s an interesting opportunity to analyze the creative process which sometimes flows organically, but at other times requires us to push through discomfort, and would in fact be incomplete without both feelings.  And I’m writing this because, in spite of the fatigue, I can’t believe how many blessings I have to count.

Again, I don’t say things I don’t mean, and so you can be certain that I am sincere in expressing my gratitude for all of the following:

  • I’m grateful for the handbell choir I just played in at a Lutheran Thanksgiving service.

  • I’m grateful for a couple days of relaxation that I may or may not exercise.

  • I’m grateful for my wonderful family and the highly curious culture we cultivate.

  • I’m grateful for my intellect, creativity, and aptitude for communication.

  • I’m grateful that I am able to bring my knowledge and genuine interests to bear on the work I am called to do.

  • I’m grateful for the inspiration my work brings to visionary and ambitious people of all kinds.

  • I’m grateful for an endlessly complex and beautiful world that permits endless opportunity to understand and discover.

  • I’m grateful for inspiring colleagues and collaborators who challenge and meet me with their considerable intelligence, passion, and gifts.

  • I’m grateful for clients who are truly equals and serve as positive role models for me.

  • I’m grateful for a new coach of my own who sees what’s possible, respects me for who I am, and above all advises that I carefully discern my inner guidance.

  • I’m grateful to live in a time and place of comfort and abundance that still offers problems to solve and traumas to heal.

  • I’m grateful for the year ahead.

  • I’m grateful that you’re reading this and following along with me.

What more could I ask for?  There’s always more.  That’s life.  Human life.  And I intend to pursue it because something inside of me won’t stop.  And I invite you to do so as well, to listen to the voice within that continues to push you toward what you want, and away from what you don’t.  And I promise you’ll be glad you did.  And for that I’m also grateful.

2024 will be here before we know it.  There’s just one more month, but if you use it right you can set yourself up for a truly excellent year.  That’s what I intend to do, and hope you do too.

Thanks for your support.  Sincerely.  There’s no greater honor for me than to offer words such as these to people like you and for that I am truly grateful.

Enjoy your time with those you love, rekindle your fire of creative leadership, and, above all, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, and if you’re inclined, send a quick reply with your own gratitude list.  I’d love to read it!


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