Lean into the absurdity

Some leaders and creatives, a very small handful I find, struggle for a very particular and peculiar reason, a reason few others understand. They find leadership difficult because the world feels ABSURD. And no one else seems to see it!

I know most people think about this and feel this way from time to time. But, in my experience, a select few people ponder this CONSTANTLY. Like, every minute of every day.

“Why is the world like this?” “Why are people like this?” “How strange is it that things are the way they are?” All day, every day.

And most people don’t get that.

But I do. Because I’m the same way.

All day, every day.

Here’s what I also notice…

The leaders and creatives who think this way, they need an outlet for these thoughts. Like, REALLY need it. As in, when I go to talk to them, they are all knotted up with the tension of navigating the world, dealing with people, managing the stuff, all while carrying around this constant sense of absurdity. It’s a strange thing to have to balance.

And here’s the most important thing. These people have the capacity to be FANTASTIC leaders. Every single one of them. I think this sense of absurdity serves them if they can channel it correctly. Because along with it comes a deep insight and clarity into the way people tick and respond, which is what every great leader needs.

So, if you can manage the absurdity, play in it, delight in it even, you will show up in a much more powerful way. You’ll be the leader your team needs, and your team will grow from your magnetism.

This is the kind of creative leader I help. Because I understand the absurdity too. All my life. I didn’t always know how to talk about it, but I’ve gotten much clearer on that in recent years. I speak the language of this absurdity and turn it into leadership. And now I can show up and help the other leaders in our midst who share this sense and need a place to play with it.

These leaders with a sense of absurdity need a very specific kind of conversation in their life, and they tell me no one else is able to have it with them. They enter the conversation with fatigue and tension. They leave with levity and energy. The magic happens in the middle, and you really need to experience it. Because I have the ability to take those insecurities and doubts that accumulate over the course of navigating this absurd world, filter them through my metaphysical perspective in a way that is custom-fit to that particular leader, and transform them into clear purpose and strategy on the other side.

It’s kind of magical if I do say so myself. They LOVE it. And then they go forth and perform inspiring acts of leadership, which is what the world so desperately needs.

Lean into the absurdity. You’re not alone. You’re not the only one who thinks and sees the world this way even if it often feels that way. And you can’t imagine the power of finding others who do too. It’s what you, and everyone else in your life and work, has been waiting for.


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