Only SANCTITY itself is SACRED

ALL is sacred and NOTHING is sacred. ALL is sacred BECAUSE nothing is sacred.

I had an intuition not too long ago that went something like this…

“I thought it was all economics, but I think it might all be sociology.”

What that means is that I’ve realized SOCIOLOGY is the master social science.  Seems obvious when you look at it I guess.  It is SOCIology after all.

Let’s talk about the etymology of “socio-” for a second.  It’s the root of terms like “social”, “socialize”, “society”, “socio-economic”, “socio-political”, “psycho-social”, and more.  It is often combined with other social sciences and more often, it seems to me, than others.  For example, I don’t tend to hear people talk about “politico-economics” or “psycho-historical”.  Seems that there is tacit acknowledgement of this.

Another insight I once had: “EVERYTHING humans do is social signaling.  Absolutely everything.”  This means that all behaviors and choices on every level are designed, usually subconsciously, to demonstrate our belonging to and status within groups of different kinds.

The etymology…

The word “social” is a Middle English conglomerate of two very similar Latin words with very similar meanings.  One meaning is “friend”, and the other is “allegiance.”  Getting it?

This week as you go through your life, I want you to look at all your relationships and ask some questions about them.  Questions like…

“Which circle of my life is this person in?”

“Whom would I prioritize in a difficult decision?”

“Which social group sees the truest me?”

“Who has the most power in this relationship?”

“Where is that power derived?”

“Am I the leader of this group or a follower?”

…and perhaps the most important question of all…

“What is SACRED in this group?”

That last question always has an answer.  I guarantee it.  Social groups are built around a sense of sanctity - the understanding that there are certain lines which cannot be crossed if the group is to maintain its identity and integrity.  Those with the deepest and least dissonant sanctity tend to bring out the trueness of their members.

The easiest way to see and understand sanctity is in that style of grouping in which it is most transparent.  Religion, of course.  Religions are social groups built unapologetically around a statement of what is sacred.  But they are social groups, like all the others.  An allegiance system.  And most people are much more nuanced in their views than the sect’s publicity would indicate, which is why we all understand what “fanaticism” is.

Nations have sacred beliefs too, but they’re not spoken about quite the same way.  Still, they’re there, driving our sense of collective identity and behavior.  We have national myths, founding documents, creeds.

So does your family.  And your friend groups.  And your fraternal clubs.

So, which is your CORE social group?

Sociology is more powerful than economics.  Don’t you agree?  So the trick is to align sociology with economics, because then you make money easily while feeling at peace with your allegiances.

As a coach I work in what I call the “Realm of Purpose”.  It’s the highest human mindset, and it is a place to COMPLETELY deconstruct all of our social behaviors.  And I do mean COMPLETELY.  It’s why people are able to be so vulnerable there.  We see the human condition for what it is.  NOTHING is sacred there, and that makes EVERYTHING sacred.  The only sanctity is sanctity itself.  All else is up for discussion.

Trust me when I tell you this kind of conversation will help you see, think, and act on a level you have likely never glimpsed before, and that will change your life with power you have never had.


3 convos that are all the same


Seek the IDEAL, not IDEALISM