Results, Causes, Systems
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Why does your life look like it does right now?
Why does your business look like it does right now?
How about your family?
Your organization?
Your department?
Your city?
Your nation?
The world?
The universe?
The answer is one simple word: causes.
It’s simple but profound, because it’s all causes, and there are many, many causes.
Many intricate, interrelated, interlocking causes.
It’s all causes.
All the way back to the beginning. What Aristotle (one of the first great systems thinkers) called the “uncaused cause”. He looked around, saw causes everywhere, and used his thinking to trace them to their ultimate root.
Can you trace all of your results back to that? It’s what I always try to do.
Because if you can trace your current state back to initial causes you can unravel and begin to solve most any problem.
And when we’re ready to improve our results, how do we do it?
Simple. Change the causes.
When we want our results to change we need to put different causes in play.
Seems simple right? You’d be surprised how challenging it can be without a little outside help.
But it’s not enough to simply change the causes and improve our results, right?
We want them to stay that way. We don’t want to have to keep thinking about the same problems, solving them over and over again.
We want to make our improved causes and better results consistent, natural, and effortless.
When we want to make our results consistent, natural and effortless, when we want to put in different causes regularly and without thinking about it, what do we do?
We build systems.
And the fact is that you have a system already. The system is what brought you here.
There’s a system in your life. A system in your business. Your family. Your city. Your nation. The world. The universe.
When you want to change the results, you change the causes. And to change the causes for the better, and consistently, once and for all we build systems. Then we take stock of our new dissatisfaction, identity causes, and build or tweak the systems. Always and forever. That’s really all there is to it.
If you remember one thing from this post, let it be this…
👉All results have causes. To change the results, change the causes. To consistently change the causes, build systems. All is system. To grow effortlessly in power and influence, learn to see, change, and build systems. 👈
Do you need help seeing the results in your life as a set of systems? I’m a systems thinker. Give me a call and we’ll discover your systems together so that you can grow in power and influence and create the consistent results you desire: