This is Some Serious SHI*T


Just breathe 🧘‍♂️

Companies often bring us in to solve difficult problems - challenges they just can’t see past without outside help.

And that kind of thing really makes people tense 😬

And I get it. Of course it would make you tense! I often get tense about that kind of thing too.

So we come in to work with leadership or operations teams, and they’re sitting in that tension, uncomfortable, their stomachs tied up in knots 🪢

What’s the first thing we do?

Relax 😌 Smile 🙂 Laugh a little 😄 Put people at ease 😌 Tell them how glad we are to be working with them 🤝 Remind them that they’re all awesome people who care 🥰 Tell them how great we think their company is, because organizations like that aren’t built overnight 💪

That breaks the ice 🧊, loosens some of those stomach knots 😌

And then…

We PLAY! 🤾‍♀️

Yes, our work is very playful. We approach it like a couple of kids finding a brand new playground, running around, climbing on everything , exploring every nook and cranny, turning over every rock to see what kind of insects we can find there 🪲

At the end of the day, curiosity sees you through. Because the answers are there, hiding somewhere 🔍 But you need a playful, curious spirit to find the right information most of the time 💫

And this spirit has two great outcomes:
1️⃣ It finds the information we need to solve the problem and get to work on that.
2️⃣ It helps everyone take themselves less seriously, and remember that life and work can be fun! 🤩

Life is about making people feel good. You got into the work you did to solve problems or create pleasure for people (it’s always just some form of those), so why would you get so bent out of shape just because your company hits a (predictable) snag from time to time?

Life is wonderful. So are people 🤗 Ultimately we love ❤️each other and want what’s best. That’s why we start companies - to help that happen in a very specialized realm 🏭

So remember that, and have fun 🥳 Let your spirit come out to play, follow its curiosity 🌀 In our experience it’s ALWAYS the key to getting unstuck and moving to a higher level ⬆️


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