Where’s the BREAKDOWN, Part 4

"God don't make no junk!" Do you believe it?

Every organization needs supply and demand.

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Yes, I know I sound like an econ 101 textbook, but I’m not talking about the law. I’m talking about what businesses and organizations NEED.

All businesses need some kind of supply, and demand for that supply. The profit is made in the middle. Sometimes this profile is unconventional. Think about Facebook. We’re the supply! And marketers who use the harvested data are the demand. And actually, anyone with an advertising account is supply AND demand for Facebook!

These unconventional supply and demand relationships are actually rather common, and we’ve worked with many of them. Many companies are more conventional too - buy widgets low, sell high, profit in the middle. Nothing wrong with that.

But what if you are one of those companies that needs to attract both supply and demand? How do you do it?

Simple! You express the goodness of your brand…

Do you know that earthy expression “God don’t make no junk!”?

I love that expression.

It’s true of humans AND companies.

You’re here for a reason.

And I assume you started your company for a reason too.

Do you remember what it is?

I’ll bet it’s something good though. Something based on a vision of a positive result. A positive result for you, for your customers, for your community, for the team members lucky enough to be part of your culture.

There’s goodness all around you, isn’t there?

Marketing, branding, and messaging doesn’t have to be much more complicated than that. If you are ever struggling to figure out your message, just remember to look for the goodness. Because if your company is working well there will be abundant and endless goodness to share.

Do you see it? Or have you lost touch with it.

Often when we start working with a new company, that is our simple guiding question: “What is good here?” Because people forget what’s good. They stop seeing it. And if you don’t see it you’re probably not gonna talk about it.

But isn’t marketing and branding really just sharing all that’s good about what you do, on every level?

It doesn’t have to be harder than that. Can you think of 20 good things to share about your company? Try to think on multiple levels. You, customer, team, community, world even. Some of our clients have as many as 6 levels of goodness that they pull from for their messaging.

What is something good about your company that you can share today?


Why entrepreneurship is like classical music


Where’s the BREAKDOWN, Part 3