How It Works

Wondering how this works?

All true leadership begins in the Realm of Purpose. It’s a strange, magnificent, metaphysical place, and one that I know well. I serve as a sort of guide while we’re there. People aren’t used to spending time there, but we can all get better at it. You will find that I can show you around in there and help you learn how to get back there when you need it. I basically live there myself 😄

There are many access points. You’ll find that they tend to be through philosophy, history, economics, politics, religion, psychology, sociology, biology, entrepreneurship, or art, because all of these disciplines get to the heart of the beautiful but baffling paradox of the human condition - they all evoke wonder, raising more questions than answers while simultaneously feeding our souls and helping us ponder our place in this marvelous state of being we call existence.

As you get more comfortable there you will find yourself processing your DESIRES (aka hopes, aspirations, dreams), and your FEARS (aka insecurities, uncertainties, reservations) very directly and effectively. In fact, you will discover that they are actually two sides of the same coin. What we DESIRE most, for some reason, also causes us to FEAR the most. I don’t know why this is, but it will become clear to you as well in the Realm of Purpose. The most important part is that we maintain a completely safe and judgement-free space to explore. That is what makes this possible.

Human life is odd. We paradoxically yearn for a cessation to all problems, and also hope for personal success for as many people as possible, which requires endless problems to solve. We dream and fantasize, but are taught not to take it seriously and told instead to live in the “real world”. We need to reconcile these seeming contradictions, and the Realm of Purpose is where it is done.

In the Realm of Purpose we will follow these paradoxes to the source of the Divine and discover why we are here. If you have an itch in your soul, the reason is always to push you to become a LEADER. In the Realm of Purpose you will truly imagine what that means for you. You will see yourself as the leader you need to be to serve your purpose. You will discover all the reasons you have held yourself back from what you REALLY WANT.

Purpose must ALWAYS yield an actionable plan - steps to take after the session, known as STRATEGY - and you will always leave a session with action steps to move closer to what you desire.

To understand the process this takes, let’s review the realms. Recall that human mindsets always inhabit one of 5 metaphysical realms:

Your sessions with me will focus entirely on dialing in your purpose and turning it into a strategy. Let’s zoom in to the zone between PURPOSE and STRATEGY to understand the steps involved in that process. This one we will read from top to bottom. As you can see, strategy is about IMPLEMENTATION in the real world of business, commerce, institutions, and people. Clarity is the key to translating your VISION into STRATEGY through the process of thinking.

➡️ Dialing in your purpose will show you what it is like to act as a LEADER.

➡️ Part of leadership is having a VISION about what you want to create, or how you want to change the world.

➡️ I will challenge you to see this vision with extreme CLARITY so you can discern its features.

➡️ We will then use a focused THINKING process to determine which steps must happen in which order.

Voila! A STRATEGY is born.

The STRATEGY is what you’ll work to execute in between sessions. The courage and confidence from the Realm of Purpose will give you energy and mission as you do, and you’ll be amazed by what you put into motion as a result. On our next call we will evaluate the strategy you have executed, return to the Realm of Purpose, refashion, and repeat.

Before you know it your life will shift in a direction you have only ever dreamed about.

Are you ready to experience this yourself? The next step is booking a call with me. There is no risk to you, and the reward could be TREMENDOUS! Click the button below 👇 Or read what people have been saying about working with me.