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“The Complete Science of Human Dynamics reads like an absorbing and fascinating New York Times Bestseller! It comprehensively analyzes the human condition, honestly catalogs our pains and joys, and reveals a clear path forward for the individual in society with comfort and inspiration.”
👉 Discern what you are here to do and improve the results of your life on every level.
👉 Increase your awareness, understanding, and wisdom to maximize COMPASSION, PERSPECTIVE, IMPACT, and PEACE in your life.
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Praise for The Complete Science of Human Dynamics
“The Complete Science of Human Dynamics offers an amazingly effective way to bring both peace AND motivation to the growth-minded individual at the same time. It is inspiring and soothing. Aaron has a fascinating approach to understanding the human mind and brings life to the subject with fun real-world stories and examples. This is the perfect book for the growth-minded individual in any field. I can’t wait to read it again!”
“It was insightful and helpful, and will be used as a tool as I move through life. I know that it will strike me differently in different seasons of life, and my interpretation of it will change as I continue to grow. That is extremely exciting and comforting, knowing that I will have this tool at my disposal for years to come.
The biggest thing I took away from The Complete Science of Human Dynamics is that I am not alone nor wrong in my believing that being human is difficult. It also confirms my belief that being alive and experiencing this life is such a privilege.
Aaron has a rare and wonderful gift for expressing his thoughts in a way that is so authentic and aligned with how he presents himself to the world.”
“I found Aaron’s book to be a refreshing, honest read and validating for many of my own impressions about mental health and the human condition.
When this book came into my life, I had already started to take conscious actions out of the stagnation I’d been feeling for a few years. These new actions/behaviors feel a bit scary to me, and this book helped remind me that the pain of growth is preferable to the sufferIng of perceived stagnation. Either way, we suffer; so why not choose the pain that has potential to help others (and, by connection, my “self”)? I’ve often felt pretty powerless to affect change, but I now have a better appreciation for the necessity of engaging with others who share similar frustrations or who will feel inspired enough by our collective vision to take appropriate action.
I have a mindfulness practice that encourages me to notice and welcome the spectrum of human emotions and experiences while witnessing the ephemeral nature of everything. This felt like another way to arrive at that state of acceptance of nature (pain, creation, responsibility because of our interconnection, etc.) but with the added illumination of the pre-existence (and further encouragement) of action-not merely contemplation-in this fabric into which we are woven.”
“Aaron has created a process for taking something extremely abstract and put it within reach. His unique approach to leadership and analysis of the human condition are unlike any other book or approach to improving one’s leadership skills that I have ever seen.
Reading his book gave me a leadership lift, a new drive to push myself even further than the considerable degree that I already push.
It is full of supportive quotes and helpful nuggets.
The style of writing is far more sophisticated than any personal development book I’ve read.”
“Reading Aaron’s book, especially Part 3, gave me great peace and quelled a persistent anxiety I often feel around the shape of modern life. He truly identifies and names many of the dissatisfying conditions I feel in my soul and spirit and helps me make peace with them through a deeply articulated understanding.”
“I can’t believe how rich this book is. Each and every paragraph contains so many meaningful, quotable nuggets, each of which are beautiful and relevant to my life again and again.”
“Whenever I am facing a problem or dilemma in my work, business, or community involvement, I know I can rely on Aaron’s way of thinking to help me clearly discern the shape of the challenge and associated tradeoffs. I find that his thinking, writing, and theoretical frameworks consistently account for all of the factors that drive human valuation, motivation, and behavior, and this gives me peace of mind that I am approaching my problem-solving with comprehensive clarity and control.”
“Aaron’s vivid stories and clear illustrations bring his thoughts and perspective to life in a way that aids comprehension and deepens meaning.”
“I already knew Aaron thinks a lot, but this book reveals the astonishing depth behind this process and the level at which he perceives and ties his conceptual framework together. Absolutely stunning and marvelous. Each word is saturated with his perspective. Numerous passages caused me to think differently and more productively about my life, work, and point of view. I am without question a better person for having read this book.”
“Aaron’s book is a brilliant and comprehensive work that earns its bold title through systematic analysis and description of the human condition. It abundantly demonstrates the benefit of approaching every area of life with a sound and well-reasoned theoretical framework.”
“Aaron’s book is ambitious, wonderfully written, and provides a thought-provoking solution to human life at the intersection of existentialism and traditional metaphysics. Aaron takes meaning seriously and always helps people find the ultimate source and form in their own lives; this sensibility leaps off of every page.”
“Aaron’s book provoked me to think deeply and honestly about my life’s purpose and whether I am truly living up to my potential. He has a way of pushing people to think deeply in everything he writes and says, and his book is a potent, concentrated, and healthy dose of this psychological and philosophical medicine that will no doubt be effective for a wide variety of readers.”