Realm of Purpose Access Points
Realm of Purpose Access Points
Overlapping strains and access points include the following, all of which ask some form of the paradoxical and ultimately unanswerable question “What is the IDEAL form of the human experience?”
Philosophy - Our collective, systematic, rational yet intuitive effort to examine, understand, and articulate the human condition in spite of its endless absurdities, paradoxes, and contradictions
Psychology, Cognition & Education - Humans have a unique relationship between mind and body that includes awareness, self-awareness, and awareness of self-awareness
Sociology - Everything humans do is a conscious or unconscious signal of in- and out- group status
History - The chronicle of choices made when the past was the present by similar beings; our choices in the present instantly become the past just as the future becomes the present
Economics & Commerce - Our behavior is largely driven by calculations of exchange, incentive, trade offs, necessarily unequal distribution of resources, and the quest for this mysterious, ineffable quality called “value”
Biology - This alien mechanical/electrical/chemical technology that wearisomely confines us to physical reality and yet integrates with our spirits while seeming to conflict at every turn with our divine natures and yet is the most reliable conveyance
Sanctity - Our unique sense of animation by and communion with a higher power and source of Goodness
Theology - Our systematic attempt to rationally understand and articulate sanctity
Religion - The seeking of sanctity with its related social groups, signals, rituals, artifacts, and texts, and the communities that form around them
Poetry, Art & Literature - Our efforts to capture the essence of the human condition in a manner that exists for its own sake, replete with the paradox of the beauty of pain
Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Branding - Our application of creation, artistry, performance, and persuasion to commerce and problem solving
Political Science & Law - Our recognition that enduring the trauma of human society, even among competing theories of human flourishing, is superior to the trauma of nature
Mathematics & Science - Our affinity for manipulating symbolic logic for its own sake which also reveals the source code behind physical existence
Technology - Our application of mathematics and science to solving problems, expanding knowledge, and improving the quality and convenience of life
Architecture - The importance of intentionally setting aside and cultivating spaces for different kinds of activities and energetic interactions
Play, Games & Competition - Our experience of spontaneous flow, delight, motivation, ingenuity, insight, and teamwork made possible by the transcendence of self-conscious when stimulated by the scarcity of status and reward
Leadership, Management & Systems - Our need to streamline cultures of productivity around a common vision and apply clear thinking to the improvement of desired outcomes
Community & Gathering - We paradoxically find our truest self in killing it for the collective; the intentional facilitation and curation of environments, rituals, and activities dedicated to the renewal and deepening of collective identity
Communication - The quality of meaning that increases by sharing it and the necessity of persuading and finding agreement with others
Energetics - The deep recognition that we are in fact made of and also respond to the energy that creates existence which seems to emanate from a deep, abundant source of Being; external results mirror internal vibration, facilitating effortless creation, and revealing scarcity to be an illusion; existence has a narrative quality (manifestation, synchronicity)
Achievement & Performance - Our deep-seated motivation to distinguish ourselves and wield the potential of our inheritance on every level, status is valuable because it is scarce
Trauma, Suffering & Healing - The profoundly painful recognition that the human condition is absurd and imperfectible, which creates the need to continually process and ease that pain
Exploring the Realm of Purpose yields meaning, insight, clarity, influence, creativity, vision, inspiration, purposeful use of time on high-impact activities