6 A’s - The Fundamental Human Fears

ChatGPT Summary:

This passage explores the concept of the 5 Metaphysical Realms that shape reality. The focus is on the Realm of ACTION, where every moment requires us to act and make choices, leading to fear and uncertainty. The text introduces the "6 A's," which are proposed as the fundamental human fears arising from a sense of social isolation. These fears are described as various states of negative feeling. The passage suggests that understanding these fears can increase awareness and empathy, enabling individuals to navigate life's challenges and build meaningful connections with others.

6 A’s - The Fundamental Human Fears

Here’s a brief review of the 5 Metaphysical Realms I teach about.  In the beginning was the Realm of MOTION, where everything got going.  There are different theories and stories about this, some scientific, some sacred.  Some of that MOTION became ALIVE, taking on strange and astounding internal processes of development.  Some of that LIFE became conscious, becoming aware of the present moment, and taking ACTIONs in each one.  And beyond that, a little bit of LIFE gained additional awareness, able to evaluate their results and change them by unifying their ACTIONs through STRATEGY.  And beyond that, some beings are even able to look at STRATEGIES and discern whether they emanate from a PURPOSEful source.  Those are the 5 Metaphysical Realms.  That’s how reality is shaped, at least as far as I can tell.

The key is the Realm of ACTION, because once we enter that, experiencing the present moment with awareness and self-awareness as we do, we realize that we must take actions in each moment, and can’t stop doing so.  I call this condition “Existential Friction” - the future keeps coming at us and we must ACT in response.  There is no way to avoid ACTION, in each and every moment.  Like all other perpetual conditions, it’s a burden or a blessing, depending on how we look at it.

Each ACTION is an investment in something, and every investment involves risk.  Therefore every moment brings a new risk and we must put down our chips.  No way around it.

And we get paralyzed by the fear that comes with constantly analyzing what we DO and second-guessing our choices.  Can you relate to that?  Existence is cruel.  It forces us to ACT, but brings insecurity and doubt through our complex human cognitive machinery each and every time we do.

And, you know what?  That’s okay.  It happens to all of us.  Because existence is high-stakes.  The fear is real.  And we’ve all been burned by what we fear, or else we wouldn’t fear it.

Fundamentally I think there are 6 human fears.  I call them the 6 A’s, and they all stem from a deep sense of social isolation.  I think ultimately our greatest fear is that we’re alone, even among others.  Here are the 6 A’s.  Each ACTION you (can’t help but to) take can cause you to fear some kind of isolation as a result, and here are the different forms they take:

  1. Alienated - No one can relate to my pain

  2. Alone - I can’t rely on anyone to meet my needs

  3. Abandoned - People I rely on will leave me

  4. Attacked - People will despise the true me

  5. Accused - People will think their problems are because of me

  6. Absurd - Nothing I do makes any difference

The next time you fear the result of an ACTION you are preparing to take, look at it and see if it doesn’t actually conform to one of those 6.  And remember that everyone else has the same fears, and we’re all helping each other through this existence that we share.  And when people seem difficult to work with, it comes down to one of those too.  So now you can see their motivations as well as yours, and your awareness grows further.  And with more awareness comes more power, freedom, control, foresight, and pretty much everything else that is socially constructive.

And it all starts with the 6 A’s.  Because life is hard, and the fear is real, and we all share this.  But you can be a builder.  You can see these fears at work and communicate in a way that helps others see they will be less alone when they are with you, because you see how they feel, on the deepest level, at the level of our metaphysical essence, thrown into this strange, overwhelming, and unceasing state of existence.  And that changes everything.


“When you say it that way, and throw in some pornography…”


A word I don’t like