A common theme…

Do you know the most significant common theme I have been hearing from discovery calls and new clients this month?

Maybe you can guess.

It’s FEAR.

Yes, fear.

Fears of all kinds.

I have them too. Many of them. I get it.

Here’s a few that people have shared with me…

1️⃣ Real estate portfolio is growing rapidly and it will soon be time to take the leap out of a full time job

2️⃣ Retirement looms and it is finally time to start living with true authenticity, but it is uncertain and I don’t know who I am in this new paradigm.

3️⃣ I’ve liberated myself from the daily operations of my business and I am suddenly faced with expansive time that is not structured for me anymore.

Crazy, right? And there’s some patterns in there. Can you spot them? Here’s what I see…

1️⃣ These are all AMAZING problems to have. Never in history have so many humans had such wonderful, phenomenal problems as these. Problems of freedom. Problems of security. Problems of such abundant time and possibility that our despair comes from uncertainty and not bondage.

2️⃣ These are the problems of high achievers. It’s weird and counterintuitive. We set out to achieve because we think it will make our life better. While it does, the human condition sneakily withholds the true satisfaction we seek, and so we must always find new ways to struggle. I am certainly not immune to this. It’s actually very cruel, but not an excuse to stay small.

3️⃣ Welcome to the 2000s. There has NEVER been a better time to be alive. But there’s also never been a time of such intense existential angst. I’ve realized these are inseparable.

But it’s all fears. Freedom is saturated with fear. Bondage is saturated with longing. We long to fly from our bondage, but the moment we are given the opportunity to be free we are seized by fear. Do you notice this too?

Here’s why. Our imaginations are ignited by possibility. When we’re in bondage, life is nothing but possibility, and our imaginations relish it. But the moment our physical reality cues up the opportunity to actualize our visions and be free there is fear.

I can’t tell you why this is. And I can’t tell you what you’ll find on the other side of the leap. But you still need to take it. If you have the vision, it’s your purpose. It’s not optional for you. It’s the work you are being given to do in this strange time in human history. It’s your privilege and responsibility to liberate yourself, leave bondage, spread your wings and fly.

The human condition has never been an easy one. Most of our ancestors had the struggles of survival and bondage. YOU have the struggle of freedom. It's a good problem to have, but it's still a problem and problems aren't easy. You reject longing for fear. It’s the only way. Stay with the longing, or face the fear.

It’s what you’re here, and now, to do.

You know what they say about fear, right? It’s the only thing to fear. Remember that.

And remember that I believe in you.


Do you set intentions?


Dear Leader (Psst…that’s YOU! 🫵)