Aaron J. Marx is…(Part 1)

Hi!  One of my biggest challenges is communicating about my work and helping people like you to understand how it is relevant.  I've identified 8 facets.  Here's the first.  Enjoy!

For as long as I can remember I've been going through life, observing everything, processing all that I see, and creating a model to explain these patterns to others.  And I do this with dispassionate and radical honesty.  The safer the space, the more honest I get about what I see.

Here's something I notice - people have a tendency to conveniently ignore facts, truths, and patterns about the world that don't fit the narratives and ideologies with which they identify.  I have no patience for that.  If it's a thing that happens, if it exists in reality, if it's an element of the events that unfold around us, then we need to account for it and ask why it is there.  I won't settle for a model that falls short of this ideal.

And so, when I guide people, when I consult with them, when I coach them, when I speak in front of audiences, I share the insights that come from this in the spirit of honesty and love.

The word for the study of reality is "metaphysics" and it's a branch of philosophy that goes back a couple thousand years.

But there's more to it than that.  Because humans have a sense of the sacred.  That's part of reality.  So a model of reality would need to include that.  A true model must satisfy our impulses for not only scientific truth but also our sacred longings.  These often seem to be in tension, but in ultimate unity they must be reconciled.

What do we find when we trace all that is to its ontological origin?  Some call it the "ground of being".  Others call it "Source".  Many others call it "God".  And I will meet you there.  Honestly.  Reverently.  Compassionately.  With a benevolent heart seeking to heal.  And in a way that honors the heritage of our most precious holy texts and mythical stories.  For this reason I am not merely a metaphysician, but a theologian, and I will bring this sacred energy and presence to your business or organization. And this perspective grants a truly inexhaustible source of helpful and healthful insight.

It is from this hallowed source that all the work I do flows, work that always shines light on how to communicate with and relate to the other people in your life, because it is through them that all success, satisfaction, and prosperity flows.  And to find the ultimate source of that we need to do metaphysical work and discover the ontological source of our deepest pain and longing as the ultimate self-aware agents of the known universe.

Inquire about working with me here.

Thanks for joining me in Part 1 of this series.  I'll see you in a bit for Part 2!


Thank God for…divorce lawyers?!


Reframing “Selfishness”