Everything you want is on the other side of…(Part 1)

Everything you want is on the other side of…(Part 1)

There’s a very famous phrase about getting what you want.  It goes like this:

“Help enough people to get what they want and you will get what you want.”

Classic.  And useful.

But we can go deeper, because it’s a bit simplistic and glosses over some of the inner workings.

Here’s a few questions that pop up when we look closer…

1️⃣ What DO you want?

2️⃣ What are you best-suited to help others GET?

3️⃣ WHOM are you best-suited to help in this way?

4️⃣ How do you persuade them that YOU are the right one to help them get it?

This is an exacting and nuanced equation. Your very peace, happiness, and life satisfaction rests upon it, and it takes true precision to discern.  I find most people simply don’t go deep enough.  When I talk to leaders who are frustrated, and struggling to discern the shape of this in their specific lives, we leave no stone unturned, no angle unexamined.  We need to look at everything, because everyone you touch is somehow involved in that question of what you want.

And, once this is discerned, HOW is it ultimately executed?  Simple.  Everything that you want is on the other side of something very specific.


Yes, that’s correct.  The specific metaphysical item that gets you closer to what you want, in all times and places, is arriving at agreement with other people.  This is true of your family, your friends, members of your community, your teammates, your customers, and even yourself.  Getting what you want is first and foremost about being in agreement with yourself.  That’s where it must start, and then you must figure out the other agreements from there.  In many ways, that self-agreement is the hardest part, and the most difficult for people to discern the ideal shape of.  Are YOU in agreement with yourself?  If not, I anticipate that your energy is troubled.  Talk to me and I’ll help you pick up on that signature.

But don’t forget: what you want is on the other side of AGREEMENT.

And agreement is on the other side of…COMMUNICATION.  In all times and places.  And communication is everywhere, and everything!  Everything you do communicates something.  Is your current communication bringing the kind of agreement you want, the kind of agreement that brings you closer to what you want?

Answer the 4 questions above.

Then find internal agreement (aka “alignment”).

Then find agreement with others through communication in every way you can.

And then get what you want.

You got this, and you only live once 💪

But wait, there’s more!

Tomorrow, AGREEMENT is on the other side of…


Everything you want is on the other side of…(Part 2)


Burden, or opportunity…?