History, YOUR story, YOUR purpose

History, your story, your PURPOSE

I think we’re due for a brief history of time, space, and existence. I describe this using 5 Metaphysical Realms. After all, I’m a Metaphysical Leadership Mentor, DOY! It’s my story. And yours. You’re part of time, space, and existence right? That’s what I thought. So it’s a story you need to comprehend, contemplate, and continue. That's how we find our place.

In the beginning, things were set into MOTION. Aristotle knew this. Thomas Aquinas restated it. And centuries later Georges Lemaitre told it in modern terms. The motion happens at every level.

Some of that motion took on a special quality called LIFE. Most of existence is not alive, but a little bit of it is. It’s mysterious and amazing. We don’t quite know how it happened.
Some of that life developed cognition and will. We call them animals. Animals can take ACTIONs. Different than motion. Motion + will. The secret is that if you’re in the realm of action you are taking actions all the time, and can’t help but to do so. All actions get results.
The moment you look at your results and try to change them, you enter the realm of STRATEGY. Animals have strategies, unconsciously. Humans are unique because we can change them.
But, how would we know how best to do this? Why, by entering the final realm, PURPOSE. Humans are fascinating. We have different purposes. Animals don’t. They all have the same purpose (if that), and the same strategies. But humans can discern purpose and shape strategies to guide their actions. That’s what it means to be human.
And how do you know your purpose? Simple. Enter the Realm of Purpose with a guide like me. For some reason it’s something we all need help doing from time to time. We’re a social species and that means we need help doing everything sometimes.
How do we enter the realm of Purpose? We look at every sphere of our leadership influence and ask what we WANT and what we DON’T WANT. I call these the -rations (frust-rations and aspi-rations). Then we’re off and running.
Our -rations show us our purpose. Our purpose generates our strategies. Our strategies shape our actions. Our actions create results. We measure our results against our ideal in every realm and restate our -rations.
Rinse, lather, repeat. And I’m the conversation partner to help you do it.
The Realm of Purpose is vast, beautiful, rich, and deep. It takes stock of all of human history, trauma, and striving. It asks what it means to be human in every way, and shows what it looks like for you at this entirely irreproducible moment and location in time, space, and the human condition.
It’s the only moment you’ll ever have. Is the action you are currently taking connected to your purpose? Every action creates history. Your story. What story are you telling?
By the way, I’m leading a 3-day workshop all about this next week. Want to join me and a few other motivated, purpose-oriented leaders?
Let’s do this 💪


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