The only thing you EVER create…

Did you know there is only ONE thing you ever create?


No matter what you THINK you’re creating, it all comes down to this.  And EVERYONE is creating this on multiple levels, whether they realize it or not.




Yes, it’s the only thing you will ever create, I promise.


No matter what you are building, creating, running, or working toward, it’s ALL possible only because you are making little (or big) agreements with others each and every step of the way.


Think about it.  Your entire life is held in place by a series of agreements made with other people, and these agreements keep them doing what you need them to in order to move toward or sustain your vision.  And vice versa.  We all need to give and receive.  Agreements are always at least double-sided in their careful balance.


Some agreements are EXPLICIT.  These tend to be formalized with a contract, either signed or shaken on 🤝 with a clear exchange of currency or other stated value.  These are the agreements you have with clients, customers, employees, employers, contractors, bankers, tenants, franchisers, governments, etc.


Some agreements are IMPLICIT.  They are sealed with subtext or energetics ⚡️.  You tend to have this kind of agreement with friends and family members.  It’s not exactly popular to talk about it this way, but it’s true.  We come to know what we expect and rely on from one another.  Implicit agreements are more fluid and dynamic in ways that explicit ones are often not, but they are renewed and reevaluated just the same.


And this line is not so hard and fast.  If you think about it I’m sure you can come up with explicit agreements in your life that lean toward the implicit side, and vice versa.


BTW, every single interaction with another person has an element of agreement to it.  Watch closely the next time you have one, no matter how well you know the person in question.


Even giving or attracting attention is a kind of agreement.  Value is offered through something of interest, and attention is given in exchange.  There is hardly anything that is more valuable in our current economy and digital landscape than the precious commodity of attention.  With attention you can entice your attendee to deeper and more elaborate agreements.  That’s what we call a “funnel” and these happen in many ways.


Art is another such form of agreement which rewards attention with respite from the pain of existence.


So imagine that as you go through life you are in the business of making agreements.  Again and again, with more and more people, constantly renewed and renegotiated.  It’s how you progress and give the world more and more of the vision and service you are here to offer.  Agreements are really the only thing you ever create.  Dissatisfied with your results?  Examine, renegotiate, and renew your agreements and watch that start to shift.


Does that change the way you look at things?  Does it make your mission simpler, more straightforward, and easily attained?  People tell me I have a way of doing that.  If you would like to experience that, custom-fit to your situation in every way, let’s talk:


History, YOUR story, YOUR purpose


All it takes to become a great leader…