How to GROW your organization

When leaders grow, so do their companies, sales, and teams. In other words, you're focusing on the wrong things. You don't need another strategy. You need personal growth, and that happens in the realm of purpose.

Personal growth is a mysterious thing.  It involves who you are, what you’re here to do, and how you’re here to help.  It’s actually paradoxical and endlessly circular to describe.

In growing yourself you show up better for others, and this brings more reward to yourself, which allows you to grow yourself and show up better for others 🔄

What’s the point of it all?!  Not sure 🤔  But I think it might be GROWTH period. (Wait, should that last sentence have ended in a period?! 😮)

And sometimes leaders forget to do it, focus on it, invest in it.  And then their leadership suffers.  And then their organizations suffer.

When leaders grow, it’s amazing the things that happen.  Because when a leader grows, their environment and surroundings can’t help but to grow and improve as well, and that means whatever they are building, running, or creating.

It’s not about strategies and tactics.  It’s about the growth of the leader.  The strategies and tactics will come.  But all of the strategies and tactics in the world can’t save impoverished leadership.  The leader needs to grow, and then all the other things can’t help but to improve and become more effective as well.  We call the concrete ways in which this happens the tactics and strategies.  But they will generate automatically when the leader grows.  Just try it and see.

Growth inspires and invigorates, 100% of the time.  Learning something new, mastering new skills, exposure to new ways of thinking, elevating vision.  These all create strategies and tactics you can’t yet see or, in some cases, even conceive of.  The growth has primacy.  Always does.

So, struggling with sales?  Grow the leadership.  Struggling with your team?  Grow the leadership.  Struggling to grow the company?  Grow the leadership.

How do we grow leadership?  I thought you’d never ask!


Work is easy. The RIGHT work is hard.


100% of SUCCESS comes down to THIS