How’s your sense of POSSIBILITY?

Are you letting your sense of possibility lead you?

Humans are like animals in that they/we are taking actions at every moment. In fact, it can't be helped.

But there is an important difference: a sense of POSSIBILITY. Humans have this, animals don't. Animals have no sense of something being possible but not yet here. They simply strategize and act on instinct.

But not us. We all have the capacity to see what is not yet here, and to strategize and act based on that.

But when that clouds, and we lose our faith, our actions lose their luster and inspiration. We go unconscious again.

For humans, actions are a POSSIBILITY BAROMETER. A person acts based on what they think is possible, and therefore each person's actions reveal what they think is possible.

What do YOUR actions reveal about your sense of possibility? How are you strengthening your sense of possibility today?


Don’t let OLD thinking hold you back…


Keep the COMPETITION, kick the TRAUMA to the curb