You’ve heard of ROI, right?  Return on Investment.  It’s crucial of course.  We are understandably advised, from the very beginning of our lives really, to avoid actions and situations that promise a negative ROI, and to prefer actions and situations that promise the highest one possible.

And, generally, it’s worked.  Sometimes I contemplate the history of humankind, and it’s been a collective net benefit, which means that we have enjoyed a species-wide positive return on investment.  Somehow, the net worth of the human species has grown over the last couple thousand years.  I don’t what that is, how it happens, or where it comes from.  But we’ve done it.  Apparently we’re guided by a miraculous collective vision in this direction.  I wonder where that comes from 🤔

But part of the way that happens is a whole bunch of individuals like you and me effectively making that calculation for themselves.  Which means it’s important for you to do and get better at.

So, how is it going for you?  Like many of the things I coach, write, and talk about, I think it’s more complicated than we often realize, and that TRUE ROI is something we all sense on a deep level, even if we don’t always articulate it precisely.

A couple weeks ago a client of mine, with whom I greatly enjoy working, told me that one of the special qualities they discern in my coaching is that I am concerned, not only with my clients’ bank account, but their “emotional account” as well.  That was the word they used.  Emotional account.

Which indicates that particular client saw emotional wellbeing as part of the ROI from working with me.

What are all the ways YOU measure ROI?

To me there’s 4, and I call them the “4 M’s”.  I think they’re what you are after, as well as every organization and community that you are a part of.  If there’s a problem with any of them, there’s a problem with all of them.  And these are imbalances I can help you see and articulate.

Tomorrow, the 4 Ms.  See you then!


ROI Part 2 - The 4 Ms of Motivation


Have you found your “authentic self”?