The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 3

In part 2 we traced the history of metaphysics, monotheism, and manifestation through the ancient Hebrews, Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus, and Saint Augustine in the spirit of seeking unified truth. Here’s the conclusion, and its relevance to you as an entrepreneurial, creative leader.

Many of us leaders and creatives have deep intuitions that tie this history of metaphysics and mysticism together.  Here’s a few ways:

  1. We sense there is an all-powerful source of energy from which all emanates, and we seek some kind of spiritual union with it.  It is, in fact, often called “Source”, or “Source Energy”.  There is the understanding that communion with this provides an authentic path to achievement and creation.

  2. We see ideal forms of ourselves, our creations, our enterprises, our company cultures, our lifestyles, our communities, our species even.  This is Platonism.  If we didn’t have a sense of the ideal we wouldn’t know which direction to move, which actions to take, how to design our “ideal” lives and careers.

  3. Many of us feel that we are in a personal relationship with Source Energy, like it is guiding us to walk a path that is for us and us alone, and that we have some kind of authentic self to find along the way.  This feels NeoAugustinian to me.

  4. Whenever we think through cash flow and numerical projections on paper before putting them into practice we are working from Pythagorean and Platonist premises - working in the realm of abstraction, governed by mathematical concepts, before manifesting it into concrete reality.

  5. It is our stories, our unique trauma and pain, that is paradoxically beautiful to us and often reveals our unique path to growth.  This is the gift of the ancient Hebrews.

  6. All other people are also children of the same energy.  They are ultimately all we have, and worthy of love due to their infinite worth.  In order to grow and succeed we must serve one another, and in this way we achieve what we desire for ourselves.

In short, we create our identity from our past pain, act in the present, and build a better future for ourselves through service to others based on the IDEAL forms we perceive through personal communion with the energy from which the universe emanates.  This is what is known as manifestation, and it has a long history, which is the very history of metaphysics.

And in Truth, all is united.  Do you see and grasp it?  How do you overcome your trauma?  What action do you take in the present?  What IDEAL do you perceive?  And how is your relationship with all that is?  These are the metaphysical questions you must answer.

And I’m here to help.  It changes everything.


The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 1


The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 2