The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 1

The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 1

Thinking through the metaphysical frame I do, I’ve realized that the way “motivation” is typically used in our language is a misnomer.  We talk about “finding motivation” as if it’s something we don’t have.  But it’s actually the OPPOSITE - we can’t ESCAPE motivation!  We’re constantly motivated simply due to the structure of reality.  Sometimes I wish I could stop the world and get off, but it’s not possible.  We HAVE motivation whether we want it or not.  Our challenge, then, is not to FIND motivation.

Here’s the proof:

  1. Time continues to unfold, just as it has from the very beginning.  Einstein tells us it’s actually part of a broader, more comprehensive fabric of existence called “spacetime”, but we subjectively experience a certain component of it as the passage of time.

  2. We have each been born into this unceasing flow of time.  We have our stories of the past (collectively and personally) and our visions of the future.

  3. Our existence only ever really happens in the present moment, where the past and future meet.  ALL experience and volition happens in the present moment.  This cannot be escaped or avoided.

  4. The unceasing passage of time and our existence in the present moment leads to actions automatically.  You can’t stop taking actions even if you wanted to, and all actions have motivations.  Therefore you already have motivation, so you don’t need to find it.

What IS the question then? Stay with me a bit longer.

We can’t escape action.

And all actions get results.

Therefore the results in your life have come from your actions.

And chances are you want to change your results.  I haven’t yet found one ambitious leader or creative who doesn’t on some level.

But FINDING motivation is not the problem because, as we’ve established, you already have it.

All actions taken by anyone in any place or time have motivations.  This is always true, in all times and places.  So motivation IS the key to changing your results.

But you don’t need to FIND it.  You need to EXAMINE and OPTIMIZE the motivation you already have to create the results you want.  That will change your actions, and that will change your results.

After all, as long as you exist and time keeps going you keep taking actions anyway, so you might as well examine them, right?

So, how do we OPTIMIZE motivation?  Simple.  Use the 4 M’s.  All motivation comes from some balance of the 4 Ms, in every moment.  And you need to find your own unique blend to fuel your motivation engine and take the right actions to create what you want, and avoid what you don’t.  The 4 M’s are…

Well, actually, let’s reveal them tomorrow 😉


The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 2 - How TO think about motivation


The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 3