The creative process isn’t what you think

When people find out I’m a musician they make hasty and false assumptions about me AND themselves.

They assume I am extremely creative, and that they are not.

Here are some facts:

  1. I am creative, but I am more analytical

  2. I have known plenty of musicians who are not very creative

  3. I have known many “non-artists” who are EXTREMELY creative

  4. I feel like I am more creative as an entrepreneur than as a musician

  5. Some clients tell me that working with me has opened their eyes to the fact that they use the creative process frequently without realizing it

I don’t know how creativity got the reputation that it did.  I realize that some people are “artists”, but I tend to find that classification breaks down under scrutiny.  We can all be artists at what we do.

And perhaps it wasn’t always so.

Centuries ago, artisans specialized in trades like sculpture, poetry, and music.  These distinctions carry down to this day.  Some people still specialize in those fields.  But I truly see artists all around me.

To me, an artist is simply someone who lavishes great care on the experience they create for their audience, and in doing so generates a sense of inspiration and respite from the pain of existence.  I see many people doing this in their respective fields and industries.

And I bet you do too.  The trick is to find your realm of artistry and create that inspiration and sense of respite over and over in a way that only you can.

Everyone can do this.  Everyone has a creative process to this end.

There is no difference between leadership, entrepreneurship, and creation.  Therefore, we are all artists today.

As an entrepreneur I find myself drawing perpetually on the creative process I learned from my training as a composer of musical works.  The creative process is the same for me, no matter what I am creating.

When I work with clients, we find their creative process too, even though they often don’t realize it.

In this day and age, we are liberated by abundance to create what we want.  We do this by becoming entrepreneurial leaders, with our unique and proprietary creative processes.

It’s work of the spirit, and it’s what we are free to do today.  So, what do YOU want to create?


Are you ASHAMED of your daydreams?!


Why I don’t like the term “best self”