The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 2 - How TO think about motivation

In Part 1 we established that the way we often speak of motivation is a misnomer.  We describe it as something that we don’t have and therefore must find, create, or discover.

But I think that’s wrong.  And I laid out a case for my opinion of the matter, which is that motivation is something we simply CAN’T ESCAPE.  Actually, there are 3 ways to escape motivation: go into a vegetative state, pass on, or refuse to be born in the first place.  I haven’t yet met the person who can execute #3.  I recommend against going into a vegetative state if at all possible.  And we’re all going to die, but the trick is to truly live first, and ultimately that’s what we’re here to talk about.

As long as we’re in the Realm of Action (which all of us are), we are forced by the nature of reality itself to take actions all the time.  And all actions have motivations.  And therefore, motivations are automatic.  We all have motivation in abundance.  The trick is to EXAMINE and OPTIMIZE the motivations we already have, and in order to do that we need to look at the RESULTS we are getting, because all actions have results, and to reiterate, we can’t stop taking actions.

So, the motivations we have in abundance are ultimately responsible for our results.  How are your results?  Satisfactory, or in need of change?  And aren’t they always in need of change?  Time to examine and optimize our motivations.

There are 4 ways to do this - the 4 M’s:

  1. Material

  2. Meaning

  3. Mental Peace

  4. Morality

MATERIAL could also be “Money”, but this is more poetic.  We need to succeed.  We need our actions to return on investment and stay in the black.  We all have lifestyles we’re after, and that’s a material question.  So that’s the first question.

MEANING is the satisfaction and fulfillment we derive from anchoring what we do to a deeply felt purpose and path to growth.  It’s also doing the things you want with the people you want.  Incredibly important.  Without this nothing else will matter.

MENTAL PEACE is the way you feel as you act.  It’s related to happiness, enjoyment, anxiety.  I thought of using “mental health”, but I don’t think I agree with that fundamental premise.  Nonetheless, working toward the life you want should feel healthy and peaceful.  It’s complicated for many reasons, and there is much to disentangle, but you neglect it at your peril and that of those you love.

MORALITY is whether what you are doing is right.  It’s a crucial part of self-image and reputation.  You want to achieve the previous results and be proud of yourself, hold your head up high.  This can be challenging and gray at times, because ethical puzzles come in all sorts of unexpected shapes and sizes, but you must honor your morals.

Those are the 4 M’s.  They are operating in your motivational framework at every moment of every waking day.  Now that you are aware of them you can adjust them and optimize the blend, just like a nutritional smoothie or high octane gasoline.  So, what’s your blend?  What do you need to adjust?

Awareness always makes it better and more potent.  How will you EXAMINE and OPTIMIZE your motivations today?




The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 1