The most important realization I’ve ever had

Not long ago I had a realization. It is the most important realization I have ever had. It has unlocked everything I currently understand and teach about human nature.

The realization is this.

Every single human being, everywhere at all times, is taking actions every moment of their life.

We can put it that in even stronger terms.

Every single human being, everywhere at all times, CAN'T HELP but to take actions every moment of their life.

Does that change the way you think and see things?

Here's what's crucial to understand about actions.

Every single action has a RESULT of some kind. Every single one.

Many are not terribly notable. If I shift the way I am crossing my legs the result is an improvement in my level of comfort. That's a positive return. But it doesn't really move the needle of my life. Still, it's a good action to take sometimes.

But let's think bigger. Scaling your business? Happens because of actions. Growing your team? Actions. Retiring early? Actions. Starting a new business? Actions. Getting yourself out of daily operations? Actions. Becoming a respected community leader? Actions.

Actions, actions, and more actions. Every moment of every day, your entire life.

When we want to improve our results (I thought of expressing that as CHANGE our results, but the decision to change is ALWAYS in pursuit of improvement, isn't it?) we use STRATEGIES. We work to align our actions in the same direction.

Strategies can be problematic though, and usually are if that's where you start. Starting with strategy causes self-doubt, second guessing, and comparison. Because you have to look elsewhere to find them.

Something else I realized...

Every human is taking the actions they think will give them the best return at the moment. Otherwise they would take different ones.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ We take actions based on what we think is POSSIBLE πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ

So, how do you know what's possible? Simple: spend some time dwelling in and exploring realm of PURPOSE. Your access points are found within, often with the help and guidance of a good mentor who honors your divine spark. Get clear on your PURPOSE, and you can't POSSIBLY go in the wrong direction.

If it's IMPOSSIBLE to go in the wrong direction, you think much differently about WHAT IS POSSIBLE, and your actions take on a whole new vibrance, magnitude, and impact.

You're taking actions anyway. You can't help it. Harness the power of purpose and prepare for your life to change.


Keep the COMPETITION, kick the TRAUMA to the curb
