Are you spending more time VENTING or VISIONING?

Tell me the answer and I’ll tell you what kind of results you are getting.

VENTING is looking to the past and seeing what you DON’T want.

VISIONING is looking to the future and seeing what you DO want.

Which activity do you think will move you closer to your goals, objectives, and dreams?

It’s pretty obvious when it’s put that way, isn’t it?

And don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying you should NEVER vent. Because it has its place.

Life is frustrating. The world is frustrating. Forces beyond our control are frustrating. The way things mysteriously align at times to give us setbacks is frustrating. And people. People are so dang frustrating, aren’t they? I know all of this and I share your frustration. Every now and then I need to vent too.

Venting has its place. But be VERY careful not to stay there for too long… Venting is pretty much all I hear some people do. And the problem is that the problem becomes the vision. If it’s all you ever look at it’s all you will ever GET.

Because you get more of what you look at. So what happens if you look at your problems all the time?

So, if you want to get that beautiful future that is so full of promise, joy, hope, success, and fulfillment, what do you have to look at? Well, it’s not here yet, is it? So how do you look at it? We call it VISION.

Leaders have vision. They have the ability and tendency to see what’s not yet here and move toward it anyway. Since it’s not yet here, the path is not clear. And that’s just one thing that makes leadership challenging.

But it’s all SO much easier if you vision more than you vent. And it’s even easier if you vision a LOT more than you vent.

What you focus on grows, so focus on your VISION, not your frustrations.


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