The only 4 reasons anyone ever does anything

So, we’re here.  Didn’t ask to be.  And the nature of reality demands constant, sequential actions.  And we’re aware of it.  That’s the distinctly human condition.  I call this “existential friction”.

But our actions always follow a choice on some level (free will debates aside, I assume for this argument that we are free to choose between different options).  Just because we need to take actions doesn’t mean we can predict what they will be, for ourselves or others.

But, here’s a premise that must be true: ALL ACTIONS HAVE A MOTIVATION

Do you agree?  How could it be otherwise?  Actions are not optional, and they are all motivated by some kind of framework of evaluation and volition.

If you’re a leader, who seeks to create and build, you MUST persuade others.  There is no other way.  So, serving as a successful leader involves awareness of this framework and successfully moving people’s motivations within it in the direction of the results that you want.

What is that framework?  Thanks for asking!

It’s simple.  All actions, or inactions, are motivated by one of four feelings.  They are:

  1. Hope for something to happen

  2. Hope for something NOT to happen

  3. Fear of something happening

  4. Fear of something NOT happening

That’s it.  Always and ever, in all times and places.  This is true for animals as well, but they are not metacognitive.  We humans are, and that means we can identify, examine, and change our motivations, overcoming one feeling and replacing it with another.  That’s what persuasion is.

A major part of leadership is acting as a motivation detective, listening closely, watching for clues, following the trail to the heart of the human condition, and making a very real promise that you can ease the pain if they follow you.

What’s the ultimate heart of all these feelings?  Opinions differ.  It’s either the attainment of everlasting joy, the complete cessation of suffering, or both.  In a word, heaven.  Ultimately all 4 of the motivational feelings can be traced to our deep, divine, utopian longing.

Leadership is sacred.  ALWAYS look for the motivations.


“worth • while”


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