Why you are struggling to grow your company

Do you know why you are struggling to grow your company?

Is it the labor shortage? No.

Is it economic conditions like recessions? No.

There is one simple yet profound reason…

It is because you have lost sight of the IDEAL. Or perhaps you never saw it in the first place.

The IDEAL is that vision of the perfect organization that you behold within your mind’s eye, your imagination. It plays in your daydreams (pay attention to those! We are taught not to…), your fantasies of a life well-lived and a life’s work well-done.

Your IDEAL is your own. It is given, gifted to you from a higher realm. It is YOUR vision, so answer its call! It is a vision like no other, just as you are a leader like no other. Even identical twins have different fingerprints…🖐

Thousands of years ago Plato taught us about the realm of IDEALs, where perfection lives. It’s not the realm of human action, but it blesses us with all that is true and good as we seek to imitate what we imagine and realize what is there. We can’t ever quite do it. But that’s okay, because then we would be done, and we’re not here to be done; we’re here to keep going, getting better along the way..

Effective leaders need to refresh their vision in the realm of the IDEAL periodically. Otherwise they become mired in the frustrations of daily life and work, pulled down by other people who don’t make it a point to do so.

EVERYTHING about effective leadership is oriented around a vision of the IDEAL.

A vision of the IDEAL...

💎 ...WORLD shows which problem to solve
💎 ...SOLUTION shows which products or services to offer
💎 ...ORGANIZATION shows how to build it
💎 ...LEADER shows which personal traits to improve
💎 ...OPERATION shows which team members to attract
💎 ...CULTURE shows which values to enshrine
💎 ...CUSTOMER shows which markets to pursue
💎 ...COMMUNICATION shows which marketing and branding to use

Holding the IDEAL in constant sight creates optimism, drive, improvement.

IDEAL-oriented leaders have a way of seeing the best in everything they encounter and everyone they meet. This allows them to draw it out and help everyone around them become better versions of themselves. It is an IDEAL-oriented process.

Does this feel like the way you live and operate? It is beautiful, tranquil, energizing, and optimistic. IDEAL-oriented leaders create goodwill everywhere they go as they help everyone conform to IDEAL versions of themselves. Can you imagine a better way to be? Can you imagine a life that returns on investment better than this?

If you aspire to IDEAL-oriented leadership but struggle to make the transformation, I can help you. I help leaders see, think, and act on a higher level, and this ALWAYS means putting them in touch with the IDEAL.

Have a conversation with me and I will show you what it’s like to tap into the IDEAL version of yourself:


🧯🔥 ❌🟰 Leadership!


The paradoxical origin of trauma in the workplace