🧯🔥 ❌🟰 Leadership!

🧯🔥  ❌🟰 Leadership.

Let me say that again 🗣👂

🧯🔥  ❌🟰 Leadership!

That’s a mistake I see a LOT  of business owners make.

When we meet them their heads are deep in the frustrations 😖 of their day-to-day operations.

They think they NEED to be this way.

“If I don’t 🧯the 🔥s, who will???!!!”

I understand this mentality.  Truly I do.

I personally held this mentality for years.

But here’s the problem.

It’s a metaphysically ignorant view.

And understand that when I refer to “metaphysics”, it’s simply your understanding of how the human spirit works.  I think we all acknowledge that there’s some kind of mechanics there regardless of our worldviews otherwise.

Here’s the misunderstanding.  These owners, these firefighters, think that by focusing on the problems, their companies will grow and successfully meet their objectives and goals 🏁

It NEVER works that way.  I have yet to see it.

Here are some things firefighting DOES create…

…more frustration

…depressed culture



…lack of inspiration

Sound familiar?  I could go on.

How do you get out of it?

It’s simple.  Not easy, but simple.

So simple you might not believe me.  But it’s true.

It’s an entirely different attitude and way of being that, while simply expressed, represents a transformation that takes time, effort, and considerable introspection.

The answer is to become a VISIONARY.

The answer is to see where you are going, and NEVER let it leave your sight 👁

This is what leaders do.  And others follow them because the communicated vision is inspiring, and they know they will be changed for the better in the process.  The team that forms around a visionary is there for the personal growth that comes with the growth of the organization as it moves toward the vision ➡️ 🌄

So, are you fighting fires, or setting your sights on a vision?

It’s the most important transformation you will ever make.  Simple but not easy.  And it’s what I help leaders to do: https://calendly.com/aaronjmarx/30min


What leaders can’t EVER know for sure…


Why you are struggling to grow your company