What leaders can’t EVER know for sure…

Unfortunately, as a leader, there is one thing you can NEVER quite be sure of…

👉 You can’t ever be sure you are spending your time in the most productive and highest ROI-oriented way 👈

It’s a problem followers don’t have. Their success is determined by how precisely and conscientiously they travel and tend to the path placed before them.

But ANYONE who serves in a leadership capacity experiences this quandary.

Followers get a report card, leaders get RESULTS.

How about you? Can you relate?

It’s natural, and to be expected. It’s the truth. But it creates highly counterproductive mental states that must be explored, understood, and dealt with effectively in order to perform and achieve at a higher level with personal growth and peace.

Take a breath and we’ll talk more about it.

🧘 Namaste 🧘

One of the things I know is that there are no instructions for leadership. That’s a follower thing. Followers get instructions. Leaders don’t. Instead, leaders have visions. They see the destination and have to find the road. I probably don’t have to tell you which job I think is harder. As a fellow leader myself, I confess I am nowhere close to immune from this dilemma, so I know EXACTLY what it’s like and what a struggle it is.

As a leader, you see the vision of the destination to which your purpose calls you. But it doesn’t show you the road. You need to find that yourself. Leaders don’t get instructions. Only guides.

Do you know the most important guide?

Your intuition 🧭

Yes, that’s right. No one can tell you how to lead better than that still, small voice inside of you.

Leadership is a deeply metaphysical quality and state. Therefore, we need a transcendental guide to know what to do next, because no physical one exists.

As we established, you can never be sure you are taking the right actions. Your rational mind, while brilliant at solving certain problems, simply cannot deduce the highest return activity of any given moment. Only your intuition can do that. Your rational brain delivers only self-doubt and endless second guessing if you try to use it for that.

Again, this lesson is as much for me as it is for you.

I can’t give you instructions for your high-return activities. But I CAN guide you. There are no instructions, only guides. People who know the nature of the path and help you find the resources deep within walk it.

It’s ALWAYS a faith walk. Every single moment. Your mind will always doubt.

But when you tap into the power inside of you, that which is nourished by the ultimate ground of being, you will find that every moment feels like what Indiana Jones experiences here: 

And what a life that is! 🤩

No instructions. No certainty. Only guides, and faith. This happens to be my specialty, and I’m here for you.

BTW, my intuition told me to write this today, for you. What’s YOUR intuition telling you?


What holds your company back


🧯🔥 ❌🟰 Leadership!