BUSY, BUSY, BUSY/Quantum Leap ⚛️

Hi! I'm Aaron 👋

I'm glad to have you along with me.  Some of you reading this have been following me for a while, and some of you are just joining me.  There are many in that latter category, so it felt like a good opportunity to talk about myself a bit and tell you what's coming down the road...🏞️

If I've learned anything over the past year, it's that coaching is the purest "metaprofession" that exists, and that a coach's audience watches everything they do for evidence of only the purest authenticity and benevolence of motivation, seeking to apply these lessons to their own life.  This is liberating in one way, because a framework of true authenticity can't ever really be violated, but also makes it feel a little a highwire act without a net, because everything a coach does has significance and meaning, and this is a heavy responsibility.  It's all-consuming.  I lean into the liberation though, because ultimately it means I can't misstep as long as I communicate from my essence, which is what people find nourishing.

Another way to put it - if you find yourself at the TRUE North Pole, then every path is by definition South, so you can't misstep.  My job is to help you, my audience, find footing at your own personal North Pole so that every direction becomes South 🧭

Let's talk about "quantum leaps".  Much is made of quantum mechanics in contemporary coaching craft.  A lot of it is unscientific woo-woo bunk.  Just sayin'.  But the analogy of a quantum leap is apt, and one I verify in my own experience.

Quantum mechanics, while not the religion many think it is, has become a popular topic in the personal development world.  I understand why, because it pushes our intuitions about the stuff existence is made of and challenges us to think in a non-linear way.  Most conventional education is based on a linear model of gradual, steady improvement.  But quantum systems work a bit differently, appearing to bypass gradual growth, and challenge us to find similar patterns in our own lives and relationships.  This is something of an illusion though.  Not entirely, but somewhat.  Let me explain.

I actually first learned about quantum systems in high school chemistry.  I didn't even realize what I was learning, and it was completely scientific with no quasi-mystical nonsense of any kind.

It's very simple.  Electrons orbit atomic nuclei at certain levels of energy.  When enough additional energy is added to the system, they jump to another orbital, a higher level of energy.  And they literally jump.  First they're at one level, then they're at the next level.  Nothing in between.  No gradual motion or gradations - purely discrete states.  Many of modern our electric and electronic tools rely on this property of quantum systems.  Lights, computers, and more.  Electrons moving entirely from one orbital to another in an instant when sufficient energy is introduced.  A seemingly miraculous pattern to comprehend, and one that completely changes the creative power and potential of humankind.

What's the relevance of this science lesson to you as a creative, visionary, growth-oriented leader?  Now, I wouldn't be earning my stripes as a "Metaphysical Leadership Mentor" if I didn't teach you to find this pattern in your own life, would I?  And, as a coach, per the first paragraph, I do this by showing you the pattern in my own life.

So here it is.

As creative beings we often have to sink considerable investment into our endeavors before we see the payoff.  One of the universal laws that expresses this is the Law of Gestation, which states "You don't harvest the fruit on the same day that you plant the seed." 🌱➡️🍎

But while the tree grows gradually, our results often feel discreet, like the quantum leaps of electrons jumping from one orbital to another ⚛️

A plant grows steadily.  Humans invest energy steadily, but our returns often manifest like quantum leaps.  My audience is an example.  Take a look.  The following is my mailing list.  See what happened in September?  More growth than in any previous month by a considerable margin.  That, my friends, is a quantum leap.  How do I make this my new normal?

And that's just my mailing list.  There are other metrics that are harder to measure.

These quantum leaps require faith.  We need to keep putting energy into our personal atoms.  The current orbital of the electron is simply telling us we're not at the next level yet.  But the pattern is reliable.  Quantum mechanics is, after all, experimentally verifiable.  Otherwise it would be pseudoscience, and not actual science.

And so I'm telling you to honor the Law of Gestation, but also remember the quantum leap pattern that so many of us entrepreneurial creatives observe about our returns.  Keep investing.  And investing.  And investing.  Without an orbital jump.

And then, BAM.  In one month.  A new orbital.  Apparently that's how it works.  And I'm not sure why.  But it sure is fun and gratifying when it happens 🤩

As I said, the pure metaprofession.  Look closely and you can see this pattern in your own work too.

There was something about September of 2023 for me.  Almost exactly a year after I started this brand.  A new orbital of energy.

  • I finished a book.

  • I had a networking salon around the book for 15 of its first readers.

  • I had my first paid speaking workshop.

  • I created a workbook to go with that workshop, which will likely turn into my first online course.

  • I participated in a business expo that felt great, grew my audience considerably, and opened up many new conversations.

  • My calendar is getting hella busy!

All in one month.  A new level opening up.  A new orbital around the atom.  All of the energy I put into the system, finally manifesting.  A window into the shared nature between quantum leaps and the energetic systems we create and cultivate as entrepreneurs and creatives.

If you've been reading my stuff for awhile, thank you.  I'm grateful for you.

If you're new here, thank you.  I'm grateful for you.

In this way, communities form.

Here are some ways I can help you:

1. Keep reading.  I write and publish content like this somewhat often.  You can read more of it at my blog.

2. Listen to my podcasts here and here.

3. Purchase my eBooks here.

4. Inquire about speaking and/or facilitating a workshop for your organization.

5. Book a FREE discovery call to see if we're a good fit for 1-on-1 coaching.

6. Keep watching for updates on my new book, The Complete Science of Human Dynamics.  Here's what a few of the first readers have said about it:

Praise for The Complete Science of Human Dynamics

  • "I felt like I was reading a New York Times bestseller!  A comprehensive overview of the human condition that truly earns its ambitious title."

  • "Coaching with Aaron for the better part of a year, had I read this book first I would have been primed for even better results.  So many moments that reiterated things he has been trying to teach me all along!"

  • "Aaron's book is dense and challenging, but a surprisingly quick, easy, and enjoyable read.  In spite of his intelligent writing style it connects with me on a deeply emotional level and helps me to feel seen and understood like nothing else."

  • "This articulates the reasons and root causes of my dissatisfaction with life better than anything else I have ever found, and does so in a way that is beautiful and inspiring."

  • "Aaron's wit and compassion leaps off of every page.  It reminds me of many happy conversations I have enjoyed with him.  So many turns of phrase resonate with deep meaning and insight about the human condition."

  • "The breadth and depth of this book is impressive.  I will keep it handy and return again and again for perspective and comfort in many life situations."

And I need to catch up on my writing.  I've been busy, busy, busy this month and have more ideas in the file than completed posts.  But I'll be writing more soon.  Here's a few of the topics you can look forward to on this feed:

  • A personal reflection on theology (as promised)

  • The one thing that stands in your way (and mine)

  • The advice I would give to my kids if they asked today

  • Peer pressure is the opposite of evangelism

  • Why Deepak Chopra doesn't go far enough

  • Thinking, dreaming, and visioning in cycles

  • Reframing "selfishness"

  • The Bartok effect - my biggest personal pet peeve

  • Why building a business is like dating

  • First world problems are still problems

  • The amusing and counterintuitive story of the Ranatra Fusca Creativity award I won in 5th grade

  • Combat, Commerce, Contemplation - The stuff of masculinity

See you then friends, and glad to have you along for the ride! 🎢


Reframing “Selfishness”


DAMNED Restless/Prelude to Theology/my secret 🤫 job title