Is it possible to make mistakes?

Do you believe it’s possible to make mistakes?  I don’t.

Let me explain that though.


A couple months ago I had lunch with a friend and client of mine.


We were on the same wavelength in many ways.  Busy brains.  Wide range of interests.  Deep, insatiable curiosity.  A sense that we were both alive to be playful and live fully into the wide range of possibilities offered by this strange and wonderful time.


At one point he said “I don’t think it’s possible to waste time.”


That got me thinking, and I’ve since adopted the same sensibility.


With this brief but potent statement he helped me to realize and train my intuition to see that I can’t help but to be drawn to and interested in the very things I am here to consume, absorb, and understand.  Suddenly I saw my entire lifetime of experiences as an invaluable treasury of insight, all in the service of educating my unique and irreproducible perspective.  Every book, movie, podcast, video game, YouTube video, and more.  Each and every one finding a crucial place in my sense of the world.


Isn’t that marvelous?  Suddenly, I was free.  I could no longer make a wrong choice.  Absolutely EVERYTHING empowers me to be more of who I am here to be.


Stepping into this mentality makes it true.  And I began to see everything differently.


Are you starting to see what I mean?


If you can’t waste time there are no mistakes.  The secret is that you get better results when you think this way, because you do everything like you can’t fail.  Get it?


This is why I construct my metaphysical framework the way I do.  If you haven’t yet seen it, it looks like this:

The point is that if you truly live into your purpose, all of your strategies and actions align in that direction, and then there’s NO POSSIBLE WAY to do it wrong.  If you’re not currently living from this place you couldn’t possibly imagine how liberating it is to do so.  It not only causes you to act like you can’t fail.  It makes it positively true!  There’s no other way to exist.

Here’s why…


Once your purpose is clear, strong, and ever present in your view, you can’t help but to become a leader.  You will have visions.  Your visions will show you what needs to be done in order to make them happen, and you will generate strategies ENDLESSLY and AUTOMATICALLY.


A strategy is really just a set of coordinated actions.  You will perform the actions.  Your actions will create results.  Your results will move you closer to your purpose and vision, or not.  You will evaluate the results and shift the strategy as necessary.


That becomes your life, and your purpose will get closer.


It’s as simple as that.  It really is.  Mistakes are then impossible.  Do you see?


Here’s an analogy.  Getting in touch with your purpose is like going to the North Pole.  Every direction is south from the North Pole, so you can’t help but to go south!  When you are animated by your purpose, everything works to bring you closer, so you can’t help but to make progress!  I promise it’s that simple.


Once you get in touch with your purpose you can no longer waste time or make mistakes.


That’s why insecurity, anxiety, self-doubt, and second-guessing evaporate when you really connect with your purpose, and people tell me the process is peaceful, centering, and unconditionally life-giving.


Let me show you what that’s like.




What do(n’t) you want?