What do(n’t) you want?

Here is some extremely PRACTICAL life advice. Teach it to those around you and watch their lives improve along with yours.

There are two ways to determine what you WANT. But you must balance them and see them for what they are or you will misuse them and get more of what you DON'T want instead of what you DO. I call them the two "-rations", and they both indicate a misalignment with your ideal. But you must understand how to use them.

1️⃣ The first is FRUSTRATION, which is what you DON'T want.

2️⃣ The second is ASPIRATION, which is what you DO want.

Here's the trick. You must leap from FRUSTRATION to ASPIRATION as quickly as possible.

Staying in a state of FRUSTRATION will only help you see more of what you DON'T want, and so you will get more of it in different forms, because what you DON'T want is literally ENDLESS.

Getting into a state of ASPIRATION will show you what you DO want, and so you will see more clearly how to get there. People have many fewer things that they WANT than DON'T. The good news is that there are actually ENDLESS ways to get what you DO want, so you just need to keep moving forward in optimism and positive expectation.

We all get frustrated, which means we are getting things we don't want. It's unavoidable. Part of the human condition. BUT DO NOT STAY THERE!

Those that grow the most master the art of quickly moving from FRUSTRATION to ASPIRATION, and that's really all the difference.

Apply to your life, and share with others you know!


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