Two things my clients tell me…


When I first meet and talk to my clients they often confide two things to me:

1️⃣ They STILL haven’t figured out what they want to do when they grow up

2️⃣ Their minds are FULL of ideas and possibilities regarding what direction to take, but they are deeply unsure about which path is best.

Let’s explore each of these.

1️⃣ They STILL haven’t figured out what they want to do when they grow up

I meet my clients when they are 30, 40, 50. They often have families and children. They are typically already successful and respected in their lives. Some have businesses that they own and run, some have careers. Often their businesses seem to be at some kind of impasse due to strategic difficulties or cultural dysfunction. They all feel stuck and dissatisfied with “ordinary existence”, yet at the cusp of something bigger that they can sense but not see clearly, and that they are being pulled toward unmistakably. They are exhilarated, yet scared and uncertain because they don’t know what it is and don’t know what it looks like to step into it.

This pattern is reliable. Not many people relate to it, so there are very few to whom they can speak with true understanding, and this often leads to a sense of loneliness which makes the fear and uncertainty worse.

2️⃣ When they meet me I typically find that they actually have a very clear sense of where they might go next, but there are a handful of possible paths competing for dominance and strategic execution. There’s also a number of reasons they haven’t acted on any of these yet. Reasons like…

😔 Fear of failure

😔 Not having the self-image of a leader who can really step up and take charge of the vision due to conditioning from the life they have lived

😔 The feeling that their busy, inventive, creative brains have never quite fit in with the rest of the world. They are used to being misunderstood and discouraged, even by the people who love them and care for them the most. This causes them to not take these visions seriously.

All of this adds up to a nagging yet pervasive fear that they may never figure out what they are here to do.

Does this sound like you? I GET these people. I AM one of these people, and have been all my life. I HELP these people find...

✅ Purpose

✅ Clarity

✅ Strategy

✅ Confidence

✅ Fulfillment

It’s a wonderful life like no other, and it’s the one you are called to live, even if few others understand it. You ARE here at the right time and place. You just haven’t had anyone who has been able to help you sort through your puzzle of a mind and show you how to put its gifts into practice.

Make no mistake - these are PRECIOUS mental and spiritual gifts. Few people know how to help you leverage them. But I do, and I have a process for it. Want to learn more about it? Let me know.


What do(n’t) you want?


What holds your company back