What holds your company back

The PATTERN of successful leadership and creation is reliable and clear.  It always looks like this:

  1. A purpose creates a leader.

  2. The leader has a vision.

  3. The leader creates a strategy.

  4. The strategy guides the actions.

  5. The actions put the right message in front of the right people.

  6. The right people respond to the call to action.

  7. The organization grows.


That’s ALWAYS how it looks when it’s successful.


The PATTERN isn’t the problem.  It’s the EXECUTION.


What goes wrong?


Almost everything!  The world throws resistance your way.  Forces you to grow and change.  Leadership is a hero's journey after all.  Otherwise, it wouldn’t be worth doing.


The results show you the success of the execution.  The right mentor shows you what to change, and it’s typically one of the following:


Sometimes the vision needs to be shifted.


Sometimes the vision needs to be clarified.


Almost always the strategy needs to be reworked and modified.


The actions change as they follow from the strategy.


The target market needs to be understood better.


The messaging must be made more compelling.


Objections must be heard and considered to further shift the messaging.


All of this is subject to change, and it WILL change.


But if the PURPOSE is strong enough, you will find the strength, resilience, and commitment to do this each and every day.  That’s always where it must start.


Two things my clients tell me…


What leaders can’t EVER know for sure…