Where’s the BREAKDOWN, Part 4
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Where’s the BREAKDOWN, Part 4

But what if you are one of those companies that needs to attract both supply and demand? How do you do it?

Simple! You express the goodness of your brand…

Do you know that earthy expression “God don’t make no junk!”?

I love that expression.

It’s true of humans AND companies.

You’re here for a reason.

And I assume you started your company for a reason too.

Do you remember what it is?

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Where’s the BREAKDOWN, Part 3
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Where’s the BREAKDOWN, Part 3

You now know the need for strategies to attract and communicate with all the people necessary to make your organization run successfully.

But how do you know what to say?

It comes down what everyone knows, and few TRULY grasp…𝑩𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑫

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Where’s the BREAKDOWN? Part 2
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Where’s the BREAKDOWN? Part 2

Every organization sells something. And in order to this it buys low and sells high, profiting from the difference. In order to coordinate this, you need messages to attract people who demand 𝒂𝒏𝒅 people who supply.

You might be surprised how many organizations have what I have come to call “unconventional supply and demand relationships”. I have worked with many of them. They are a little, or sometimes a LOT more complicated than widgets. One organization we work with has at least 5 different audiences, each with its own necessary messaging, all of which must be carefully managed and balanced to keep everything working…

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Where’s the BREAKDOWN? Part 1
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Where’s the BREAKDOWN? Part 1

People often say money is the lifeblood 🩸 of a business. I disagree. I think it’s actually communication.

Because unless the communication flows, the money doesn’t. If the communication stops flowing, the money will follow suit in short order. And when communication flows, the money will soon follow. Do you notice this too?

Your cash flow is a DIRECT result of your communication flow.

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What marketing ISN’T and IS
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

What marketing ISN’T and IS

Here are some things marketing is NOT:

❌ Marketing is NOT content creation.

❌ Marketing is NOT graphic design.

❌ Marketing is NOT social media.

❌ Marketing is NOT "getting your name out there".

So, what IS marketing? Here's a good list to shift your thinking…

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Bridging the GAP
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Bridging the GAP

Do you feel stuck? Unable to bridge the chasm? Desperately wish you could effortlessly walk to the other side?

Just remember, every solution we've ever found, every breakthrough we've ever helped to create, comes down to one of theses 6 ingredients…

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