Are YOU a Leader? 🫵
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Are YOU a Leader? 🫵

How about that?  One of the strongest leaders I know, and she doesn’t think of herself that way, simply because she has inherited a highly limited concept of leadership.  And I don’t blame her - it’s an image that is reinforced for many of us through considerable cultural conditioning.  A leader is a strong personality, commanding the respect of a room, speaking with clarity and confidence, motivating followers into urgent action.

I wonder how many great leaders are out there, suppressing their considerable gifts and potential influence due to this highly limited notion of what leadership is.

She said “What do you think?”

I said, “Absolutely you are!  Because here’s how I define leadership…

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“How did I do?!” (Honor the Process)
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

“How did I do?!” (Honor the Process)

“A few days ago I talked to someone who became interested in my thinking and immediately found it helpful for his vision.  Shortly after that I heard him speak about his organization for a few minutes.

Afterward he approached me and said ‘Well, what do you think?  How did I do?’

I gave him my very honest answer, which is what I tell everyone who asks questions like this.  “I can’t answer that, because we didn’t start at the right place in the process.”

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Life would be SO much easier if…
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Life would be SO much easier if…

“To translate his very polite words into immature idiot (which is what I was at the time):

Hey you f*cking dummy, don’t you realize that we’re a SOCIAL species?  There IS no job without the students.  Then it’s just you standing up there, flapping your lips about stuff you like.  Any dumbass can do that.  The job IS engaging the students, learning their passions, working with their motivations, helping them succeed.  It’s not about YOU!

It took me a few years to really get it, but now I do.  Actually, not entirely.  It’s still easy for me to feel sorry for myself and forget that I’m here to serve others, and that it is others’ success that is the entire barometer for my efforts…”

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Great feedback/order from chaos
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Great feedback/order from chaos

“We all leave clues all the time. We have a brand whether we know it or not, and often the branding we AREN’T aware of leaves the strongest impression. It doesn’t matter what you say, only what you signal. People are watching closely.

I think that’s what makes coaching so powerful. It’s a different perspective, typically with a keenly refined and articulated understanding of human nature, that enters the picture and expresses what it sees so that you can cut through the subjective fog and get exceptionally clear on exactly what needs to be done next and exactly how it needs to be done.”

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What the Law of Attraction ACTUALLY is
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

What the Law of Attraction ACTUALLY is

“Being human is hard, in all times and places.  We each suffer from narrative trauma, existential friction, combinatorial explosion, and a sense of absurdity.  (You can learn more about those perpetual human problems here.)  We like to be with other people who understand those problems, at least instinctively, and provide respite in some way.  We tend to call that sense of respite a “high vibration”.  When you are in a high vibration, or with someone else who is, you tend to forget the pain of living, and this creates a good energetic exchange.

Here’s what the Law of Attraction ACTUALLY is…”

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Aaron Marx Aaron Marx


“This whole process is what some call “The Universe becoming aware of itself”.

You’ve been entrusted with a little tiny piece of that. It’s a mysterious miracle, and that’s why success starts with gratitude. And that’s why your life is infinitely valuable, just for being. Don’t forget that.

But, there’s another piece, another angle from which to look at it…”

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The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 2 - How TO think about motivation
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 2 - How TO think about motivation

“As long as we’re in the Realm of Action (which all of us are), we are forced by the nature of reality itself to take actions all the time.  And all actions have motivations.  And therefore, motivations are automatic.  We all have motivation in abundance.  The trick is to EXAMINE and OPTIMIZE the motivations we already have, and in order to do that we need to look at the RESULTS we are getting, because all actions have results, and to reiterate, we can’t stop taking actions.

So, the motivations we have in abundance are ultimately responsible for our results.  How are your results?  Satisfactory, or in need of change?  And aren’t they always in need of change?  Time to examine and optimize our motivations.”

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The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 1
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

The misnomer of “finding motivation” Part 1

“Thinking through the metaphysical frame I do, I’ve realized that the way “motivation” is typically used in our language is a misnomer.  We talk about “finding motivation” as if it’s something we don’t have.  But it’s actually the OPPOSITE - we can’t ESCAPE motivation!  We’re constantly motivated simply due to the structure of reality.  Sometimes I wish I could stop the world and get off, but it’s not possible.  We HAVE motivation whether we want it or not.  Our challenge, then, is not to FIND motivation.

Here’s the proof…”

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The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 3
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 3

“In short, we create our identity from our past pain, act in the present, and build a better future for ourselves through service to others based on the IDEAL forms we perceive through personal communion with the energy from which the universe emanates.  This is what is known as manifestation, and it has a long history, which is the very history of metaphysics.

And in Truth, all is united.  Do you see and grasp it?  How do you overcome your trauma?  What action do you take in the present?  What IDEAL do you perceive?  And how is your relationship with all that is?  These are the metaphysical questions you must answer.”

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The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 2
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 2

“I think truth is unified, and so I pursue the deep connections between all that is. And I see profound unity in many important concepts and forces that we perceive to infuse meaning and purpose into our human existence. I’m going to tell you about a few of them. Here is the briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation.”

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The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 1
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

The briefest ever history of metaphysics, mysticism, monotheism, and manifestation - Part 1

“As such I am always looking for the deeper unifying patterns between concepts and phenomena that appear disparate and unrelated.  The results seem helpful to entrepreneurs and leaders.  I’m not always sure why, but they are.  This tells me that many ambitious, creative, and passionate people are trying to figure out what this miraculous human life thing is all about, and are intentionally anchoring their creative efforts and outcomes to the deepest possible sense of purpose and meaning. “

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A sense of absurdity
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

A sense of absurdity

“Here’s the good news.  That sense of absurdity is the beginning, not the end.  It’s the beginning of wonder, pondering, admitting that you don’t have all the answers, and that you’re here to search.  I find time and time again that this sense of absurdity is actually the entry point to a wellspring of inspiration that comes from realizing that, in this time and place, as perhaps never before in the human condition, we can make our own meaning, and that we have more resources, tools, worldviews, frameworks, and approaches than any human has had at any previous point in history.  Let not your heart be troubled.  Rejoice in the goodness that is your life.”

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“2 years in just 4 months” Part 2
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

“2 years in just 4 months” Part 2

“But it’s only achieved under certain, very specific conditions. These conditions must be intentionally pursued and engineered. And the process is not for the faint of heart. It demands radical honesty about you and the human condition itself.

It only happens when you get exceptionally clear about what you want, and, most importantly, on what you’re avoiding. I don’t know why, but it’s true. And we’re all avoiding something…😏”

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“2 years in just 4 months” Part 1
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

“2 years in just 4 months” Part 1

“Some premises that seem to be true (let me know if you disagree!)…

  1. Most of existence doesn’t grow, but a little bit does (that’s MOTION vs. LIFE)

  2. Most life grows in only 1 way, and then is considered fully mature

  3. Humans have the need to mature and then grow in other ways

  4. Premise 3 is the essence of the human condition, and the reason it feels so strange and absurd

Get it?  Grow at least twice, and don’t stop.  That’s the human condition.  And it’s different from the other ones.”

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“Copulatory Happenstance”
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

“Copulatory Happenstance”

“Because you (and me, and we) have this triple gift (or curse) of consciousness, agency, and self-awareness which defines the human condition.  Your consciousness has never been, nor will it ever be again.

And your charge…DO something with it.  That something unfolds over time, and we call that your life.  At the end of your life your choices will tell a story unlike that of any other copulatory happenstantial human.  You come to at a certain point in history, at a certain place.  You exist within communities, and cultures.  You have political and economic outlooks to sort through.  You have a certain set of technological tools to wield.  And you have other people.  Many of them, each a product of similarly happenstantial copulation, and all of them who currently share the gift and curse of life along with you.  A small handful you will get to know very well.  These are your family, your friends, your teammates.  A significant part of your progress will involve meeting and learning about more and more of these fellow people over time.  And your success will always come down to one thing and one thing only: influencing them through communication.”

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Vision or habits?  🐔🤷🥚❓
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Vision or habits?  🐔🤷🥚❓

“It’s powerful stuff. Watch your mind carefully. Actions come from thoughts. Thoughts come from…🤔 Tap into that miracle of human metacognition, which grants us, and us alone, that amazing ability to examine and think about our thoughts, and ask yourself what it reveals about your desires.

Examine your habits, reveal your desires, and discern your vision.”

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5 questions you must answer
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

5 questions you must answer

“It’s true, right? You’re constantly searching for answers to all of those. Given the content of my most honest and vulnerable conversations with people I can attest that we all are.

Rarely can we boil something so complex as human life down to such a simple formula, but in this case I assert that we can. These are perennial questions we can never escape, and with which we are all charged the responsibility of engaging in all times and places. By whom or what I don’t know. Answers vary, and that inquiry itself brings us to the first of the 5 questions.”

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“worth • while”
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

“worth • while”

That got me thinking about that word, “worthwhile”. I find words so fascinating. They come down to us through the centuries, carrying their carefully chosen references to qualities of experience, and we bandy them about with little awareness. It’s good to stop and notice their meaning and structure from time to time. Let’s do that together.

“worth • while”

Wow. Do you see it? It’s actually the ENTIRE human condition in one word. So brief you could miss it, yet so potent and meaningful. Possibly the most meaningful word we use.

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The only 4 reasons anyone ever does anything
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

The only 4 reasons anyone ever does anything

“Actions are not optional, and they are all motivated by some kind of framework of evaluation and volition.

If you’re a leader, who seeks to create and build, you MUST persuade others. There is no other way. So, serving as a successful leader involves awareness of this framework and successfully moving people’s motivations within it in the direction of the results that you want.

What is that framework?

It’s simple. All actions, or inactions, are motivated by one of four feelings. They are…”

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Struggling to understand human behavior?
Aaron Marx Aaron Marx

Struggling to understand human behavior?

“That’s it.  Try it and see.  Again, it’s really that simple.  No existence?  No problem.  No day at the amusement park either though, so you could miss out on something really great.  Your, and all of our, existence is a problem, and you CAN have a good day.  It’s your (and all of our) job and responsibility to create the best day possible.

I assert that all other frameworks that attempt to understand human motivation and behavior are built on this basic premise, even if they don’t realize it.”

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